I came here when I had reach one of the lowest points in my life (my world had been turned upside down in my marriage, and at work) - seeking HIS grace...
I came here seeking Fellowship and found it very therapeutic to share, listen and learn as I continue to strive to become the best Christian version of myself possible...
I found this unique opportunity to also find a way to 'pay-it forward'... While so many were kind, understanding and welcoming in providing me hope, wisdom and encouragement along my journey - I found it even more therapeutic to provide the same assistance to others (where I could) in need of prayer, guidance, encouragement or fellowship...
I enjoy coming back to also enjoy the entertainment, a break from the monotony of being alone... I love the humor, and will even cook up some popcorn to sit back and enjoy some of the more engaging firework exchanges...
All of which serves to help me to continue to strive to seize the moral high ground along my journey to become a better more spiritual person/christian and good example for my kids...
Happy New Year to all here in CC!