I was led to the Lord by a baby sprinkler. I was born again but I knew nothing about baptism. I'd been sprinkled as an infant, but it meant nothing to me. For sure I remember nothing about the event!
I ended up attending a Baptist church and I was introduced to believer's baptism. I got baptised because it seemed the correct thing to do. I did not understand what it was about. I felt nothing except cold and wet. But I could tick it off the to do list.
I very much appreciate the teachings of Watchman Nee. His explanation, which was as deep and comprehensive as everything else he taught, made a lot of sense to me. I won't cover all that he said about the subject. I doubt anyone would read it if I did. There is one aspect I would like to cover that not too many seem to understand.
One of the great truths of salvation is that we are crucified with Christ. This is not preached so much these days. What it means is that the old nature we inherit from Adam is included in the death of Christ. The part of man that died when Adam sinned is the spirit. The only way to escape this life is to die. So all will die eventually, but then the second death awaits those who reject Christ in this life.
If we will accept the cross, then God will raise us up again to new life. Galatians 2:20 has been called the gospel in a nutshell. It's one of the most memorised but least understood bible verses. Ok, so we die with Christ. What do you do with a dead person? You bury them. 1 Peter 3:20-22 likens baptism to Noah's flood. The whole world perished apart from those in the ark.
Those Christians who suffer constant accusations of failure, of not being worthy, of sinning and not being Christlike should agree. Yes, I am a sinner. But let's not stop there. We are dead and buried, so we can say, rightly, that the accusations are against a dead person. Who bothers to charge a dead man or put them in prison? No, they are buried and can never trouble anyone again, no matter how wicked they were.
If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old is passed away. When we see this truth, we realise that the Christian life is simply depending on Christ to live out His life in and through us. Baptism helps us to cement this truth. It testifies to Satan that you mean business with God. It declares to the world that you are no longer the same person.
I ended up attending a Baptist church and I was introduced to believer's baptism. I got baptised because it seemed the correct thing to do. I did not understand what it was about. I felt nothing except cold and wet. But I could tick it off the to do list.
I very much appreciate the teachings of Watchman Nee. His explanation, which was as deep and comprehensive as everything else he taught, made a lot of sense to me. I won't cover all that he said about the subject. I doubt anyone would read it if I did. There is one aspect I would like to cover that not too many seem to understand.
One of the great truths of salvation is that we are crucified with Christ. This is not preached so much these days. What it means is that the old nature we inherit from Adam is included in the death of Christ. The part of man that died when Adam sinned is the spirit. The only way to escape this life is to die. So all will die eventually, but then the second death awaits those who reject Christ in this life.
If we will accept the cross, then God will raise us up again to new life. Galatians 2:20 has been called the gospel in a nutshell. It's one of the most memorised but least understood bible verses. Ok, so we die with Christ. What do you do with a dead person? You bury them. 1 Peter 3:20-22 likens baptism to Noah's flood. The whole world perished apart from those in the ark.
Those Christians who suffer constant accusations of failure, of not being worthy, of sinning and not being Christlike should agree. Yes, I am a sinner. But let's not stop there. We are dead and buried, so we can say, rightly, that the accusations are against a dead person. Who bothers to charge a dead man or put them in prison? No, they are buried and can never trouble anyone again, no matter how wicked they were.
If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old is passed away. When we see this truth, we realise that the Christian life is simply depending on Christ to live out His life in and through us. Baptism helps us to cement this truth. It testifies to Satan that you mean business with God. It declares to the world that you are no longer the same person.
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