Who leads Christ’s church? Man or God? Who makes men priests?
How? For from where does knowledge and wisdom come? Who seeks the keeper of that knowledge and for what purpose? Religion is of man and so is the teaching. True faith and salvation is of God through His son Jesus, the Christ.
It is written we are to keep the commandments to honor God. Out of love and respect, as any child should obey their parents. Yet remember, we do not keep it. In our flesh it is impossible. Or we would not need a savior. Then how?
Understand that this is the sign of the fruit of the Spirit, upon true repentance and sorrow the changing of one’s heart and mind, showing that you are no longer a man of flesh, but a man in The Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit’s presence and hallowed ground, who in you keeps you from sinning. Not to save you because that is done, it is for His honor and His name sake. That man may see the good work God has done inside you and believe. Not by your works, ability or strengths, for they are dead as is the flesh. Only by God’s presence and Grace alone are we made new and preserved, being made perfect through the Christ our Lord and Savior.
That is why you will know them. You cannot fake it. If you are truly saved, being born of the water and fire. People will have seen a major character flaw in you change. Whatever that flaw may be. Remember, we must put Him before you in all things and Him in the center of our universe and lives. Sitting upon the throne of your heart. This is so hard in today’s world with all of its distractions. With all its temptations and loss of morality.
This is the hard thing and one of that hardest but most important teaching for we, as we, man thinks (we) must do work. We must fix things. That is where we get hung up and chase our tails. We get so busy trying to serve instead of seeking and waiting upon Him. We drive our own way. We seek wisdom from man instead of wisdom from God. This causes us to invent our work, or we get focused on trying to keepthe commandments, instead of keeping in God’s presence and alignment with Him and His will. That is the key Keeping the commandments, they won’t justify you. His presence justifies you and by that very presence you are kept. We as a whole always want to drive!! Our Control problem is a human flaw, which is coupled to our pride.
This struggle is nothing new under the sun. Undertake and try to remember the work is done we just have to travel the path laid before us. Like as when we are running a race. You did not have to advertise it. Organize it, the path and location is laid out. The water stations to refresh you in place with those to help you along the way. The date is set, you just have to sign up, show up and go, each at their own pace, not set by us, but our Coach. We must remember our place, to serve, not be served.
To seek the one we claim is the love of our life, as one would seek to be with the love of our life here on earth; and treat our fellow brothers and sisters both inside and outside the body with that same love, and mercy, the Lord has given us. Remember we are all equally dirty, and we are all equally saved in the exact same way. There is no super saint!
We are all called to be His priests. For without reason he loved us first and gave us mercy beyond what we could measure as far is from the east to the west, and He has given by that perfection of Love with the same measure.
It is God’s presence that drives out the darkness in us. When there is not darkness there is only light. This is what is meant by you cannot serve two masters. The presence of God cannot be faked, nor can His salvation. Wow to those who try, because you may fool man, but God knows. Thus through His presence in you old things pass away and behold all things are new. God does not ask for buildings, he has asked for our hearts, for our lives. For that which we love and desire. This is not a huge ask, or task it is not even a burden. In fact it is an honor. When you truly get and understand how much the Creator of the universe has loved and done for you who do not deserve it then you’ll know. The other part is not that He just loved, as if it is over, but continues to love. His love is without end as He is without end or measure. To understand these things and their measurements is to understand eternity. Which is beyond the understanding of man in the flesh.
What is the meaning of life? To know God your Father in heaven! How do we get to know Him? The Father must draw them. One must believe, if they believe then they will seek, if they seek they will find Him. Then He will walk with you and you with Him, in Him alone. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
The Lord reminds me of my weaknesses in myself as well. He keeps me humble and grounded, his presence reprimands me. We forget sometimes that it is He who is our Strength for there is no strength within us. It is He who empowers us, and now our flesh and minds. For without Him we can do nothing, but become chaff in the wind. All glory is God’s and His only!
When you claim to follow heaven, then heaven should be reflected and not darkness. For there is no darkness there. this brings honor to the name of the Father and Son, by the Holy Spirit we are made one. It cannot be cheated, it cannot be tricked, it cannot be stolen. No man controls God, nor commands Him.
The Kingdom of Heaven is with you even when you are not inside of it, or believe in it. The angels watch and take note. These things I write to you not to discourage but encourage for those that are known. Those that believe, and those that do not. That you remember who is showing you the Way to the promised land through the wilderness. Where there are many dangers waiting to wound you, or to take your life. Take heart, everyone dies once, but after that road is laid, one to salvation and greater easy one to death. Then for those in the narrow Way it is a great day to die, for it is to gain all your hearts desire.
He and His angels are there to comfort, protect and guide you through on The Way to the kingdom. Not by your strength, or wisdom but by the Father through His Son, for in His Spirit we are one.
Love to you all, both inside and outside the body of Christ
How? For from where does knowledge and wisdom come? Who seeks the keeper of that knowledge and for what purpose? Religion is of man and so is the teaching. True faith and salvation is of God through His son Jesus, the Christ.
It is written we are to keep the commandments to honor God. Out of love and respect, as any child should obey their parents. Yet remember, we do not keep it. In our flesh it is impossible. Or we would not need a savior. Then how?
Understand that this is the sign of the fruit of the Spirit, upon true repentance and sorrow the changing of one’s heart and mind, showing that you are no longer a man of flesh, but a man in The Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit’s presence and hallowed ground, who in you keeps you from sinning. Not to save you because that is done, it is for His honor and His name sake. That man may see the good work God has done inside you and believe. Not by your works, ability or strengths, for they are dead as is the flesh. Only by God’s presence and Grace alone are we made new and preserved, being made perfect through the Christ our Lord and Savior.
That is why you will know them. You cannot fake it. If you are truly saved, being born of the water and fire. People will have seen a major character flaw in you change. Whatever that flaw may be. Remember, we must put Him before you in all things and Him in the center of our universe and lives. Sitting upon the throne of your heart. This is so hard in today’s world with all of its distractions. With all its temptations and loss of morality.
This is the hard thing and one of that hardest but most important teaching for we, as we, man thinks (we) must do work. We must fix things. That is where we get hung up and chase our tails. We get so busy trying to serve instead of seeking and waiting upon Him. We drive our own way. We seek wisdom from man instead of wisdom from God. This causes us to invent our work, or we get focused on trying to keepthe commandments, instead of keeping in God’s presence and alignment with Him and His will. That is the key Keeping the commandments, they won’t justify you. His presence justifies you and by that very presence you are kept. We as a whole always want to drive!! Our Control problem is a human flaw, which is coupled to our pride.
This struggle is nothing new under the sun. Undertake and try to remember the work is done we just have to travel the path laid before us. Like as when we are running a race. You did not have to advertise it. Organize it, the path and location is laid out. The water stations to refresh you in place with those to help you along the way. The date is set, you just have to sign up, show up and go, each at their own pace, not set by us, but our Coach. We must remember our place, to serve, not be served.
To seek the one we claim is the love of our life, as one would seek to be with the love of our life here on earth; and treat our fellow brothers and sisters both inside and outside the body with that same love, and mercy, the Lord has given us. Remember we are all equally dirty, and we are all equally saved in the exact same way. There is no super saint!
We are all called to be His priests. For without reason he loved us first and gave us mercy beyond what we could measure as far is from the east to the west, and He has given by that perfection of Love with the same measure.
It is God’s presence that drives out the darkness in us. When there is not darkness there is only light. This is what is meant by you cannot serve two masters. The presence of God cannot be faked, nor can His salvation. Wow to those who try, because you may fool man, but God knows. Thus through His presence in you old things pass away and behold all things are new. God does not ask for buildings, he has asked for our hearts, for our lives. For that which we love and desire. This is not a huge ask, or task it is not even a burden. In fact it is an honor. When you truly get and understand how much the Creator of the universe has loved and done for you who do not deserve it then you’ll know. The other part is not that He just loved, as if it is over, but continues to love. His love is without end as He is without end or measure. To understand these things and their measurements is to understand eternity. Which is beyond the understanding of man in the flesh.
What is the meaning of life? To know God your Father in heaven! How do we get to know Him? The Father must draw them. One must believe, if they believe then they will seek, if they seek they will find Him. Then He will walk with you and you with Him, in Him alone. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
The Lord reminds me of my weaknesses in myself as well. He keeps me humble and grounded, his presence reprimands me. We forget sometimes that it is He who is our Strength for there is no strength within us. It is He who empowers us, and now our flesh and minds. For without Him we can do nothing, but become chaff in the wind. All glory is God’s and His only!
When you claim to follow heaven, then heaven should be reflected and not darkness. For there is no darkness there. this brings honor to the name of the Father and Son, by the Holy Spirit we are made one. It cannot be cheated, it cannot be tricked, it cannot be stolen. No man controls God, nor commands Him.
The Kingdom of Heaven is with you even when you are not inside of it, or believe in it. The angels watch and take note. These things I write to you not to discourage but encourage for those that are known. Those that believe, and those that do not. That you remember who is showing you the Way to the promised land through the wilderness. Where there are many dangers waiting to wound you, or to take your life. Take heart, everyone dies once, but after that road is laid, one to salvation and greater easy one to death. Then for those in the narrow Way it is a great day to die, for it is to gain all your hearts desire.
He and His angels are there to comfort, protect and guide you through on The Way to the kingdom. Not by your strength, or wisdom but by the Father through His Son, for in His Spirit we are one.
Love to you all, both inside and outside the body of Christ
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