When you've done something you shouldn't have done. In a moment of madness. And you've been regretting it since and can't shake off the way it makes you feel inside. You get this like awkward messed up feeling inside when you think of being in certain social situations. And you worry that other people can tell that you're that way because of the way you are within yourself because of something you've done. And all you want is just to forget all about it, learn from it and move on. But it's having a negative impact on the way you are within yourself and with people and just basically sucking the life force out of you. How do you get through that?
It's been a week now and usually by now I'd be feeling fine. But lately I just fell in love with someone and, well, I realize now that I have. But I didn't realize it before and really wish I had of done as I kind of feel like I've betrayed them. Or maybe I'm just being too dramatic about it. Still though, this feeling remains, and I'm doing all I can to try and put it behind me and get over it but it's just had this knock on effect on me this time which has just brought me down and I'm not feeling my usual perky self at all. Not at all. I guess I need to just keep praying and trusting in God. I know God is good. I know He has something better for me than I can ever think that I need for myself.
I just want to feel normal without feeling down on myself but I guess I'm just going to need more time!
And I'm just trying to keep myself busy and stuff and not let things get me down but it's hard going.
Every day I wake up I still feel this way inside and then I seem to feel that way all day.
I just can't seem to bounce back from this this time!
How do I bounce back?
What can I read or pray about to make that happen?
It's been a week now and usually by now I'd be feeling fine. But lately I just fell in love with someone and, well, I realize now that I have. But I didn't realize it before and really wish I had of done as I kind of feel like I've betrayed them. Or maybe I'm just being too dramatic about it. Still though, this feeling remains, and I'm doing all I can to try and put it behind me and get over it but it's just had this knock on effect on me this time which has just brought me down and I'm not feeling my usual perky self at all. Not at all. I guess I need to just keep praying and trusting in God. I know God is good. I know He has something better for me than I can ever think that I need for myself.
I just want to feel normal without feeling down on myself but I guess I'm just going to need more time!
And I'm just trying to keep myself busy and stuff and not let things get me down but it's hard going.
Every day I wake up I still feel this way inside and then I seem to feel that way all day.
I just can't seem to bounce back from this this time!
How do I bounce back?
What can I read or pray about to make that happen?