Hey Everyone,
I was excited to see a notification that I had a package waiting for me at my mailbox today. Though I wasn't expecting anything, every now and then, I do get a free sample of something in the mail, so I made a special trip to swing by my box to see what kind of surprise might be in store.
Dun dun dun dunn... Instead, I found a routine, copied newsletter from people I knew years ago at a church -- hinting at donating to their personal work in the mission field. Why on earth the postal service classified this form letter as a "package", I don't know.
But I started to think about how many people I've met in churches/through Christian connections over the years who only contact me if they: 1. Are Having a Fundraiser/Bake Sale/Raffle. 2. Are Trying to Grow Their Social Media Following And Won't You Give Them a Like, Follow, and Subscribe? 3. Have Some Kind of Business Selling Something You're Not Interested But It Makes You Feel Guilty If You Don't Buy... 4. Want To Use You as a Personal Therapist... Then Disappear, Until They Need to Unload Again.
And I concluded my thoughts with, "No wonder I'm an introvert -- and no wonder I'm not the least bit interested in 'going out and making friends' anymore."
I think this stands out even more to me as a single, because many of us literally won't hear from people until this time of year -- and it's almost always because they're asking for something. Sure, they hit up the marrieds too, but singles have to look at that empty form letter on the counter and the only form of a communication they might get in a very long time.
Who better to solicit money, time, and sympathy from than lonely singles who have no one else to talk to or convey their thoughts with?
I was also thinking about how, especially during the holidays, I believe many singles come to feel more like ATM machines than actual, living, breathing people with feelings and needs -- and it's not a good feeling. Because where are these people (or much of anyone else) when you're the one in need of something?
For myself, I have it worked out with God how much I give to church, charities, and causes I believe God puts on my heart -- but I know there is always the feeling that I can do/give more, more, more. I've also known people (some single, some married, as well as myself) who were so lonely that they basically gave their lives away in service to others who only used them for their own purposes (which they of course insisted were God-led.)
Is there any way to cope with and even avoid all of this?
* Do you have a lot of people in your life who only contact you if they need/are seeking something? Especially during the holidays?
* Do you cut them off, or do you tend to hold on to hold ties? Why or why not?
* Do these same people ever take the time to reach out to ask how you're doing, or if YOU have a cause THEY could help out with? How many times have they helped you pay for something urgent in your own life?
* How do we (especially singles) sidestep those who just want to use us for their own causes?
Although I do love, pray for, and support the people who sent me the form letter when I can, I know it's made me all the more thankful that I do have some people in my life who care about me as a person, not just what I might be able to supply them with.
We all have our challenges, and just today, a good friend wrote me and said, "Hey, I know you're going through something. Can I help?" And it was in that moment that I almost cried out of gratitude, to be seen as a person and not just a mere donation, follow, like, or subscribe.
How about you?
What's your story/experience with things like this? ⛪❄️🎄✝️💌
I would love to hear your stories and thoughts.
I was excited to see a notification that I had a package waiting for me at my mailbox today. Though I wasn't expecting anything, every now and then, I do get a free sample of something in the mail, so I made a special trip to swing by my box to see what kind of surprise might be in store.
Dun dun dun dunn... Instead, I found a routine, copied newsletter from people I knew years ago at a church -- hinting at donating to their personal work in the mission field. Why on earth the postal service classified this form letter as a "package", I don't know.
But I started to think about how many people I've met in churches/through Christian connections over the years who only contact me if they: 1. Are Having a Fundraiser/Bake Sale/Raffle. 2. Are Trying to Grow Their Social Media Following And Won't You Give Them a Like, Follow, and Subscribe? 3. Have Some Kind of Business Selling Something You're Not Interested But It Makes You Feel Guilty If You Don't Buy... 4. Want To Use You as a Personal Therapist... Then Disappear, Until They Need to Unload Again.
And I concluded my thoughts with, "No wonder I'm an introvert -- and no wonder I'm not the least bit interested in 'going out and making friends' anymore."
I think this stands out even more to me as a single, because many of us literally won't hear from people until this time of year -- and it's almost always because they're asking for something. Sure, they hit up the marrieds too, but singles have to look at that empty form letter on the counter and the only form of a communication they might get in a very long time.
Who better to solicit money, time, and sympathy from than lonely singles who have no one else to talk to or convey their thoughts with?
I was also thinking about how, especially during the holidays, I believe many singles come to feel more like ATM machines than actual, living, breathing people with feelings and needs -- and it's not a good feeling. Because where are these people (or much of anyone else) when you're the one in need of something?
For myself, I have it worked out with God how much I give to church, charities, and causes I believe God puts on my heart -- but I know there is always the feeling that I can do/give more, more, more. I've also known people (some single, some married, as well as myself) who were so lonely that they basically gave their lives away in service to others who only used them for their own purposes (which they of course insisted were God-led.)
Is there any way to cope with and even avoid all of this?
* Do you have a lot of people in your life who only contact you if they need/are seeking something? Especially during the holidays?
* Do you cut them off, or do you tend to hold on to hold ties? Why or why not?
* Do these same people ever take the time to reach out to ask how you're doing, or if YOU have a cause THEY could help out with? How many times have they helped you pay for something urgent in your own life?
* How do we (especially singles) sidestep those who just want to use us for their own causes?
Although I do love, pray for, and support the people who sent me the form letter when I can, I know it's made me all the more thankful that I do have some people in my life who care about me as a person, not just what I might be able to supply them with.
We all have our challenges, and just today, a good friend wrote me and said, "Hey, I know you're going through something. Can I help?" And it was in that moment that I almost cried out of gratitude, to be seen as a person and not just a mere donation, follow, like, or subscribe.
How about you?
What's your story/experience with things like this? ⛪❄️🎄✝️💌
I would love to hear your stories and thoughts.
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