If all gifts disappeared? Not good!
No one could be posting anything here!
Which ones were to cease?
The ones likened to:
A spiritual baby bottle, diapers.
And, rattles and toys needed to keep them entertaining themselves while not knowing how to live.
The gifts that ceased were only the ones required for the pioneering days of the church.
They were provided by God to compensate and offer stability for what had not yet been made known to the Church.
The temporary gifts ceased after apostles and prophets like Paul and others, supplied in writing what was needed to
explain to those ignorant of what seemed like the spiritually exotic way.
The way that would release some from living under the law.
Supplying things that held up those who could not yet understand what was going on.
Supplied with what God would later require of the Church to learn, and make a part of their very own lives.
To certain belligerent Jews who opposed the Church (like Paul had), God displayed in power to the unbelieving Jews
the counter of tongues speaking in foreign languages. Languages they understood as a second language, to stun and baffle them.
Brothers, do not be children in your thinking.
Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature.
In the Law it is written,
“By people of strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will I speak
to this people (the Jews), and even then they will not listen to me, says
the Lord.” Thus tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers.
1 Corinthians 14:20-22a
Tongues was a sign to unbelievers, like the plagues of Egypt were a sign to Pharaoh,
whom God knew would not believe.
For those hold the banner high for tongues, the stimulation that alleged tongues provides
for them emotionally highly addictive.
These people are ruled by their emotions.....
Sorry to say.
That is my report to home base.