I went to Lutheran grade school with some kids whose last name was something like Scher (not the actual spelling to respect their privacy,) but it was pronounced "Sheer."
We passed their house everyday on our driving route to and from school, and one day, they had a new boat in their driveway. It had the name, "Sher Delight."
We all thought that was pretty clever.
As a side note -- I remember the summer when gas fell to 89 cents a gallon. The radio disc jockeys were commenting how a gallon of gas was now cheaper than a gallon of bottled water. I lived in the northern USA, and people were buying up boats, jet ski's, canoes, etc. like hotcakes -- which can be kind of ironic in a state where you only get to use them a few months, then have to pay to store them away the rest of the year.
I remember seeing people lined up at a local gas stations filling their behemoth new water toys.
Then, of course, the economy changed...
And people couldn't unload them fast enough.