The church seems to be in decline in many so-called Christian countries. As nations such as Australia and America desert their Christian heritage, societies are unraveling. Our Prime Minister has decided to march with the celebration of rebellion and immorality aka gay mardi gras. I won't miss this planet when God calls me home.
The good news is that Lord Jesus is building His Church. Nothing Satan says or does can prevent this. When Lord Jesus does something, it is done perfectly. The church is glorious, victorious, overcoming and triumphant. Satan is utterly defeated. All that Christians need to do is catch up with what Lord Jesus has done. However, this comes at a cost. We need to die to self, carry our cross and put the Kingdom of God first. Then we will be disciples indeed.
The good news is that Lord Jesus is building His Church. Nothing Satan says or does can prevent this. When Lord Jesus does something, it is done perfectly. The church is glorious, victorious, overcoming and triumphant. Satan is utterly defeated. All that Christians need to do is catch up with what Lord Jesus has done. However, this comes at a cost. We need to die to self, carry our cross and put the Kingdom of God first. Then we will be disciples indeed.
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