Wonder why BLM, and all the devout socialist liberals fail to mention that Slavery is alive and well practiced on the African Continent?
Seems they should deal with the fact that BLACKS continue to enslave, torture, rape, imprison and make slaves of other BLACKS.
IF, that is, they really do believe that black lives matter.............
One thing about these protests and riots is that it is bringing to the forefront Black Americans that are conservatives that are using common sense, and statistics to show that they got it wrong, and to let it go.
And many Black Americans never heard of these people until now, but there is many videos out now about them speaking out, and nobody is arguing back, and many Black Americans are saying we never heard of you people before, but I am done with BLM now that you pointed out these things to me that I was not aware of years ago.
That is because they did not want them to know about these people, but they wanted to give them negative influences to keep them mad, and bitter.
Many people are done with the NFL because of what is going on there.
Because of United Nations Agenda 21 in which the nations agreed to it for a global government that is a balance between socialism and democracy America has to change their governmental format to reflect the coming global government as well as all nations.
They already agreed to this which the target date is 2030 for all nations to be compatible with Agenda 21 which they have the same governmental format, and all people are equal economically, and social status wise, so there is no dissension between government and government, people and people, and government and people.
Then the nations will come together which then the New Age Christ can start working in the world, and push the agenda of the new age movement to prepare the world for when he claims to be God, and will be the time the world will not want to endure the truth but want to hear the Bible according to their own lusts the new age movement false interpretation of the Bible.
Agenda 21 also wants to ban the police, and the communities work to stop crime, and it is sustainability development, ecology, economy, and social.
On the BLM website they talk of sustainability, and things that are of Agenda 21, so BLM is the start of Agenda 21 being pushed in the world to have equality, ban the police, and sustainability.
And since America agreed to Agenda 21 as well as all nations they must go to a new form of government that is a balance between democracy and communism but that it how the Hegel System works to bring all the people together, so that means Republican and Democrat are working together and have the same end goal.
That is why Democrats are known as socialists and that is how they want to be portrayed, and Republicans are knows as democracy for that is how they want to be portrayed.
And they want people to say President Trump is a racist so it outrages BLM more for the government wants the protests and riots and the people to fight over Right Wing and Left Wing, and to be out of control so then they can put a stop to it and have a new form of government where there is no Republican and Democrat party, and they are one with no division, and say they have to do that to strop the fighting between people.
And that is why they are kicking up the fighting between them in the government more so the people fight more with each other over Right Wing and Left Wing.
America has to have the division in their country for it is according to their agenda.
That is why they will point out injustices against Black Americans but will not do that when they are white for they want the Black Americans to be outraged and want to fight.
That is why the founders say all white people are racist, white privilege across the board, systematic racism across the board, for if they do not cause them to believe that then their movement is dead.
For if they went by the truth that some white people do good and some white people do bad, then they would have to face up to the truth that they cannot blame all white people for slavery, and they would not know who is racist unless it was proven, then they would have to face up to the truth to forget the past, forgive, and move forward.
Then there is no BLM movement so they have to lie to them, and deceive them, but the conservative Black Americans are proving time and time again with much proof, and statistics that they are wrong, and they need to let it go like Officer Tatum is pointing out.
And then they could not say Black Americans are better than white people, for sure some Black Americans do bad, but all white people are racist.
But America has to go to a new form of government and be compatible with Agenda 21 for the coming global government so they want the conflict, and protests, and riots, and probably will wait unto the election for Trump will probably win the election and then the protesters will really go bonkers and it will be worse then the American government can go to a new form of government which also makes it easier to establish Agenda 21 in the nation.
A Christian should know there will be a global government so it has to eventually happen, and the time is now.
God will not allow the New Age Christ to operate in the world until the nations come together as one to work for peace on earth that is against the operation of God on earth.
The new age movement believes that the New Age Christ will not operate in the world until the nations come together as one to work for peace on earth.
That is because they are being deceived by the devil, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places, and the new age movement is of seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, and when they get in contact with their guiding spirit it is not a good angel but a devil.
And they believe aliens are going to help them to achieve peace on earth but they are the fallen angels coming to deceive all people who do not love God for it is time for Him to end sin on earth.
And BLM is a big player in helping to produce the New Age Christ.
But they know not what they do for the New Age Christ is not of God, and the worse human in the history of mankind, so he is only operating according to the flesh so he will be a racist.
And that is what the new age movement is about spiritual Aryanism where they have the control of the world, and dominate.
But they are deceiving the world to think all will be equal and well, but it is a deception like the devil is deceiving them to deceive the world, for they too will be put down by Jesus.
So the BLM is saying equality, and protesting, and rioting, adding to the plan to produce the New Age Christ, and do not understand that eventually he wants a world where the white people are dominate as he uses the world's power to take down people that he will say is no benefit to them being on the planet, and disturbing the peace, which at that time the people will be in favor of it for they are following the new age movement, and the New Age Christ.
BLM is actually helping to bring more power to the white people.
All nations and ethnic groups push for power and control, but if they do not have the power they cry they are oppressive and cruel, but if they had the power they push it too.
All ethnic groups are in America pursuing money and material things, being greedy and self exalting.
So if the Black Americans act like the white people why do they cry about the white people.
God said they accuse and excuse each other, but all people act the same.