does anyone notice no one listens? No one has time to make an evaluation about someone’s soul as property value before pushing oneself into a swipe-left/swipe-right permanent decision. i don’t think anyone wants to believe anything true. wouldn’t you rather be isolated in a comfortable position Or connected in a stable environment? You know the difference between faith & belief. It makes a difference.
sometimes I read with such fervor, it’s almost like I’m yelling at myself. if it feels like that to you here, why do you want to be punished? I’m typing pretty slow, so that’s how it should be read, if at all.
I don’t think anyone in the privileged world has the guts to slow down their judgment process. It takes about 450 milliseconds for a word to be misjudged when listening in a small set, all because of inherited belief. When being Spiritual.. yup thats an example. a word that means “afterlife“ is all it takes for 90% of Christians and Agnostics alike to make a permament value judgment to close that line of communication from here on. spiritual is one word of many with that problemo. more than half of our words are names. if a message was delivered to you by Jesus and/or Confucius, would you need to know which one? Does it make a difference? why?
what’s the point of holding on to stubborn beliefs that haven’t been questioned for 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 generations? It relieves stress. It’s uncomfortable to hear opposing facts because the gut mistranslates them as accusations in about half a second or two. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, shame Is unsympathetic. Think about our ancestors in the dark ages... we were witnesses Countless times in lifetime after lifetime. Take a pagan tribe on pagan land subjected to Latin rule. Basically, any time a pagan tried to make a suggestion to improve the process (because pagan farmers were better at farming their land than foreign guards) that man or woman would be crucified on a ”he said/he said” lie (the pagan‘s side misrepresented by the guard). The commander of the guard would always choose to believe his guard for a few reasons; a) it served to break their spirit and prevent jubilation. b) so they wouldn’t sing or chant or talk because c) the guards were most comfortable with absence of human sound. They punished the loudest, proudest “witch” or ”maven” as a scapegoat, or ”sacrifice,” and let the rest live if they behaved and attended the ceremony. So, the “sacrifice“ was: one suffers so many may be saved.
currently, the words “elder” and “senior” have positive connections and the words “young” and “curious” have negative connections. The reason is clear, but the problem is that it never changes. once a new generation is conceived (wife gets pregnant) the baby gets a metaphorical time stamp from mom & dad giving it a “location of soul.” If mom & dad are too busy or distracted to grow spiritually, forgiving and being forgiven by finding out the truth from generations past, a seeker may get caught in a very tense situation.. I’ve experienced this, it happens when one decides to put a relationship with God above all else.
In this era, if a regen gets louder in heaven than a gen, there will be conflict.. no one’s soul is connected to their own body these days. they may associate a certain energy or vibration with a spirit they assume is their son or daughter, but their spirit didn’t even discover which spirit was their wife’s or husband’s before conceiving. It’s not a problem one can measure and report accurately enough for scientists to “believe” what is clearly obvious to us. isn’t that telling?
this stuff is happening more and more, but people don’t know how to interpret it. And, ridiculously, the senile and fragile tv & fb addicts with inelastic brain disease are within their rights - actually encouraged - to disregard their brood - throw away what they brought into this world - for the love of a cat or a favorite tv show.
Parents will get more demanding, start lying and trying to assert their authority In the physical world. We cannot talk to them about spiritual matters because it never works. But even if we don’t, they despise the idea of their kids getting “all spiritual“ and “high and mighty” because they never conquered their fear, they just buried it in words and constant chit chat
we try to help our parents with forgiveness because we have something to teach and we care about them, but no one really seems to actually believe in what they all say. They would rather believe in a virgin birth and a Hail Mary... don’t be tempted. Because it’s uncomfortable for them to face the idea that it might be real, and they might be judged. Yes. We judge. We get judged. The sad thing is, by avoiding the issue and choosing to strike back by condemning something personal, like cleanliness or perceived attitude, they drive the situation to a point where they will not look back from in this life, choosing to deny accountability in old age.
old people don’t learn anything new about their spiritual identity, or past lives, they just repeat words & phrases that have a placebo effect. To sum up, don’t be like me. Do whatever whoever tells your pastor to tell your parents to tell you what to do, how to act, when to talk, who to go to the mall with. Cuz remember... it IS who you know.

sometimes I read with such fervor, it’s almost like I’m yelling at myself. if it feels like that to you here, why do you want to be punished? I’m typing pretty slow, so that’s how it should be read, if at all.
I don’t think anyone in the privileged world has the guts to slow down their judgment process. It takes about 450 milliseconds for a word to be misjudged when listening in a small set, all because of inherited belief. When being Spiritual.. yup thats an example. a word that means “afterlife“ is all it takes for 90% of Christians and Agnostics alike to make a permament value judgment to close that line of communication from here on. spiritual is one word of many with that problemo. more than half of our words are names. if a message was delivered to you by Jesus and/or Confucius, would you need to know which one? Does it make a difference? why?
what’s the point of holding on to stubborn beliefs that haven’t been questioned for 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 generations? It relieves stress. It’s uncomfortable to hear opposing facts because the gut mistranslates them as accusations in about half a second or two. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, shame Is unsympathetic. Think about our ancestors in the dark ages... we were witnesses Countless times in lifetime after lifetime. Take a pagan tribe on pagan land subjected to Latin rule. Basically, any time a pagan tried to make a suggestion to improve the process (because pagan farmers were better at farming their land than foreign guards) that man or woman would be crucified on a ”he said/he said” lie (the pagan‘s side misrepresented by the guard). The commander of the guard would always choose to believe his guard for a few reasons; a) it served to break their spirit and prevent jubilation. b) so they wouldn’t sing or chant or talk because c) the guards were most comfortable with absence of human sound. They punished the loudest, proudest “witch” or ”maven” as a scapegoat, or ”sacrifice,” and let the rest live if they behaved and attended the ceremony. So, the “sacrifice“ was: one suffers so many may be saved.
currently, the words “elder” and “senior” have positive connections and the words “young” and “curious” have negative connections. The reason is clear, but the problem is that it never changes. once a new generation is conceived (wife gets pregnant) the baby gets a metaphorical time stamp from mom & dad giving it a “location of soul.” If mom & dad are too busy or distracted to grow spiritually, forgiving and being forgiven by finding out the truth from generations past, a seeker may get caught in a very tense situation.. I’ve experienced this, it happens when one decides to put a relationship with God above all else.
In this era, if a regen gets louder in heaven than a gen, there will be conflict.. no one’s soul is connected to their own body these days. they may associate a certain energy or vibration with a spirit they assume is their son or daughter, but their spirit didn’t even discover which spirit was their wife’s or husband’s before conceiving. It’s not a problem one can measure and report accurately enough for scientists to “believe” what is clearly obvious to us. isn’t that telling?
this stuff is happening more and more, but people don’t know how to interpret it. And, ridiculously, the senile and fragile tv & fb addicts with inelastic brain disease are within their rights - actually encouraged - to disregard their brood - throw away what they brought into this world - for the love of a cat or a favorite tv show.
Parents will get more demanding, start lying and trying to assert their authority In the physical world. We cannot talk to them about spiritual matters because it never works. But even if we don’t, they despise the idea of their kids getting “all spiritual“ and “high and mighty” because they never conquered their fear, they just buried it in words and constant chit chat
we try to help our parents with forgiveness because we have something to teach and we care about them, but no one really seems to actually believe in what they all say. They would rather believe in a virgin birth and a Hail Mary... don’t be tempted. Because it’s uncomfortable for them to face the idea that it might be real, and they might be judged. Yes. We judge. We get judged. The sad thing is, by avoiding the issue and choosing to strike back by condemning something personal, like cleanliness or perceived attitude, they drive the situation to a point where they will not look back from in this life, choosing to deny accountability in old age.
old people don’t learn anything new about their spiritual identity, or past lives, they just repeat words & phrases that have a placebo effect. To sum up, don’t be like me. Do whatever whoever tells your pastor to tell your parents to tell you what to do, how to act, when to talk, who to go to the mall with. Cuz remember... it IS who you know.

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