For some reason when you spoke about yourself in terms of your nephew, The Beatles song about Admiral Halsey and uncle Albert always came to mind... So I may have thought that was your name and I do apologize if I'm mistaken

Hahahaha my name is Ezekiel, most folks call me Zeke most of my life close friends and family called me Zz
you can call me Albert if you wish sister seems a pleasant name to me haha . I thought you were mentioning my “ uncle Arthur “ who isn’t welcome in my home but sticks around anyways ….he’s really causing problems in this “ joint “ lol arthritus isn’t fun but still haha
“So I may have thought that was your name and I do apologize if I'm mistaken

.I am always fine going by the name Magenta which was actually given to me by a dear friend who has since departed this world after managing to hang on to life long enough to make it to this new millennium... I worked with her for many years and she also sort of kind of maybe 12 stepped me, which is part of my story and testimony because the program was instrumental in giving me the freedom I needed to explore the profundities of spirituality which did of course include concepts of God and what I believed about Him, where those ideas came from, etc etc. “
No apology needed you can calll me Al call me Al doo doot door doot … dee doot doot doot
sure I imagined magenta was a screen name like pilgrimshope I reckon I’ve settled on calling you a blessed indeed sister in the lord besides magenta is a nice color
“God opened my ears and eyes to a fact which did not majorly change my thinking about the Biblical God. Perhaps I should tell you I had that experience when I went to a church while wondering about Who Jesus was, and it was like being flooded with Light. “
praise the good lord for that one and I’m glad to hear it it’s a good witness !
“You are easy to accept because you show so much grace”
because I really need a lot of grace which I also recognize in you and others here like “the ole curmudgeon “ brother Cameron as I call him lol I do t think the nickname caught on yet but he also shows a lot of grace towards me probably more than you haha cuz we have a few more points where we don’t agree completely
But he is a pretty gracious brother and also easy to talk to . ( Not always about doctrine for me ) but as a human bieng and fellow believer in the lord Jesus he’s incredibly easy to accept and even like a lot . I find the same quality in you and some others as well here
i think sometimes a discussion from to opposing views can actually lead to a lot of inderersnding and growth . But sometimes it revolves quickly here to insults or / and “ I’m right , you’re wrong , the end !” So the understanding part is a bit tougher to see because of all the rocks coming at your head lol and tomatoes being hucked at you for disagreeing lol
Little grace can go a long way in Christ and even change hard and seemingly stalemated situations