And there are enough dudes and dudettes who claim to be abducted by aliens and anally probed, don't make it true, no matter how similar the experiences. Remember, Satan can transform himself into an angel of light.
Yes, so true and evil does that, as I am glad you aware of that.
Looking back to AD 70. God's enemies had to rebuild the Temple, yet in a new way and call it God's new Church, really? Hebrews 8:1-4
When Jesus said in John 4 the time has come to not worship God over there or over here, but in you the person?
John 4:23-24. This be what I see, listen I have two ears to hear with, one mouth to speak with. That tells me to listen twice as much as I speak. And God says listen
To everyone, yet do not do as some or many might do. Think on that wise. I saw, to go to Father in risen Son Jesus and ask, for the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So and so over there says this, Lord, is that true. I hear to that person yes, and to that other one, that one is using truth to get things here on earth, be aware and remain harmless, stay out of there, as in proverbs 23:1-7 tells you about this truth of the flesh nature in everyone, God, I came to earth in my Son to redeem you all in my Spirit for you all. I did not come to save any flesh, flesh is dead, time to be alive born again by me in belief to me to see and I will show you in my Spirit and Truth
Man says show me God and I will believe you
God says believe me and I will show you
Yet will you continue to believe God even if are in adversities too?
According to Job first chapter
Chapter satan said Job will not deny you as long as Job is protected, God said no Job will not deny God, will we? I see to not deny God, no matter how others interpret Job, matters not to me, thank you God seriously loves us all y'all how, by his willing Son going to the death in our deserved stead. Then risen three days later to give new life to all who believe and will not stop, even if in adversities too