Why is it is hard to do a short squeeze on gold and silver?
First, you have to take possession of the gold and silver. That means you have to have a vault that is large enough to safely store at least $1 trillion in gold. You don't need to store that much in silver, but since silver is around 1% of the cost of gold you would still need to have a really, really big vault.
Second, how many investors out there also can afford to have $1 trillion sit on the sidelines? Other than Warren Buffet and he has less than half that in cash, I don't know of any.
When you put both factors together you are left with a very small potential list.
1. The US government
2. The Fed
3. The major central banks in the US collectively. If the five major big banks in the US each took possession of $200 billion in gold and perhaps worked in tandem with some major investors to hold the gold on their behalf you could probably swing this but it would mean all of the elites (richest 0.1% of the US would know about it -- that is over 100,000 people in this country would be involved).
But then here is the third major problem with a short squeeze in gold or silver. What do you do with it? The minute you try to sell it you will flood the market and the price will come down. If you have a trillion dollars in gold and get the price to spike to $3 trillion what can you buy for $3 trillion? There is only one thing I can think of and that is US debt.
The US government and the Fed could use a short squeeze in gold to pay off debt. You buy $1 trillion, the price spikes to $3 trillion, you dump the entire $3 trillion on the market in exchange for 3 trillion of US debt. Then the price of gold plunges and you buy back $1 trillion of gold for a fraction of what you just sold the $3 trillion at. It is not totally absurd to say that Trump could pay off $12 trillion in US debt over the next four years.
The problem is that BRICS would be obliterated. The economies of China, Russia, India, South Africa, Brazil would all be destroyed. The impact would be apocalyptic.