I'm 57, seeing lots more grays, some bodily functions not being what they were when I was, say, 17... age is definitely a sucky part of the fall (actually, there is no good part of the fall, unless you count Christ's death for us, revealing just how much He loved us).
The loss of skin tightness, overall physical sensuality, are some things I dread -- one of the reasons I'm so anguished over not having had a mate for about 3/4 of my adult life. Time's a-wastin' and I ain't getting prettier. And, while my health has been good most of my life, that is no guarantee that things will continue that way.
No... aging sucks. There is nothing good about it, from a physical standpoint. Sure, you grow in wisdom, and hopefully more like Christ with time, but you could do that if you lived until 90 without the aging.
The hope we have here is obvious -- our resurrected bodies.