When considering Revelation prophecy, you have to "back up" and see/view it from a "wide-angle long-time" scale of things.
Unlike what most people seem to want to believe, the whole of the prophecy is not relegated to a short period of time (i.e. - 7 years or less); rather, it involves a much larger portion of human history - namely, the period of human history between the first and second comings of Christ.
The 'proof' that you seek lies in having this understanding accompanied by the alignment of the propecy with this [larger] period of history.
The following two views are both in error because they believe the whole of the prophecy to be contained in a short period of time:
~ all of the prophecy is past
~ all of the prophecy is future
In truth - some is past and some is future.
The thing that keeps people in error is not letting go of that highly-focused short-term mentality.
You must be able to "back up" (in your mind's eye view) and look at it on God's time scale. Otherwise, you will miss the whole picture - accepting instead a man-made idea with mangled scripture wrapped around it to make it seem like a nice tidy package that is preferred to be believed. But, it is not the truth.
Because people want [too much] to see all of End Times biblical prophecy in the short term - they will invariably and systematically remain in error.
Until the prophecy is approached with the proper time scale, the "true picture" will not be seen.
Unlike what most people seem to want to believe, the whole of the prophecy is not relegated to a short period of time (i.e. - 7 years or less); rather, it involves a much larger portion of human history - namely, the period of human history between the first and second comings of Christ.
The 'proof' that you seek lies in having this understanding accompanied by the alignment of the propecy with this [larger] period of history.
The following two views are both in error because they believe the whole of the prophecy to be contained in a short period of time:
~ all of the prophecy is past
~ all of the prophecy is future
In truth - some is past and some is future.
The thing that keeps people in error is not letting go of that highly-focused short-term mentality.
You must be able to "back up" (in your mind's eye view) and look at it on God's time scale. Otherwise, you will miss the whole picture - accepting instead a man-made idea with mangled scripture wrapped around it to make it seem like a nice tidy package that is preferred to be believed. But, it is not the truth.
Because people want [too much] to see all of End Times biblical prophecy in the short term - they will invariably and systematically remain in error.
Until the prophecy is approached with the proper time scale, the "true picture" will not be seen.
Revelation 13:5
And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.
Revelation 11:3
And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”
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