1 Corinthians 10 -- The Lord’s table is the only feast day that we, as Christians, are required to keep. Colossians tells us that these feast days are a shadow of things to come. On the one hand this feast reminds us of the passover, the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of the new fruits and the feast of Pentecost. It reminds us of our journey out of Egypt and into the good land. On the other hand this feast is a rehearsal for the Lord’s coming as the king and the bridegroom. That is the festival of Trumpets. It also reminds us of the day of judgement, the feast of atonement, because we must judge ourselves before partaking and if we partake in an unworthy manner we will be judged. A holy convocation is a “dress rehearsal”. Every time we partake of the Lord’s table we are practicing for when we will partake with the Lord who has returned as both the bridegroom and the Lord of all. We are told in this chapter that we will not be tested beyond what we are able but with every trial God will make a way of escape. So this also points to the coming rapture in which we will escape. We are also told that the gentiles sacrifice to idols and demons. There is one day that all Christians and only Christians keep, that is the Lord’s table. In contrast to that day there is one day that all idol worshippers and demon worshippers keep and that is Halloween. So there is a very interesting contrast between the Old and New Testaments. In both the Old and New testaments the Jewish feast days are a shadow of things to come. The Jews must keep all of these days and yet Christians are only to keep one day, the Lord’s table. Is it possible that these three coming feasts could all take place on the same day? Actually the Festival of Trumpets and the Feast of Atonement are both on the same day if it is a jubilee year. So it is certainly possible that two of the three could be on the same day. Then there are two different calendars, one from Enoch and one from Moses. Obviously the Jews have to observe the calendar from Moses but the church is composed of both Jews and Gentiles, so it is reasonable that where these two walls have been joined that these two calendars would coincide. Jude, Peter, John and Paul all attest that Enoch was divinely inspired. In the Fall of 2020 the tenth day of the seventh month according to Enoch’s calendar is the fifteenth day of the seventh month according to Moses' calendar. Since this is a Jubilee year the tenth day is both the festival of trumpets and the feast of atonement and the fifteenth day is the feast of weeks. Interestingly there is a third calendar, the one the world uses now. At sundown on October 30th of 2020 we had these three feast days all at the same time and also at the same time that the world celebrates Halloween. However, Halloween is always celebrated at night on the 31st, the resurrection, a type of the rapture, is always in the early morning. Immediately after that first rapture he that restrains will be taken away and the man of lawlessness and all the demons are set free on earth. Interestingly October 31st was a Saturday, this is named after Saturn which depicts Satan. It is also a Sabbath day. In conclusion October 31st 2020 was a great sign, a shadow of things to come.
1Corinthians 11:23-34 -- Do this in remembrance of Me. Yes, the Lord’s table is a rehearsal for the wedding, and it is a time for us to practice blowing the trumpet to announce the coming of the King. But, according to these verses we are proclaiming the Lord’s death until He comes. We are being reminded every time of how he was betrayed. We learned in the 1Corinthians 10 that when you eat and drink the Lord’s table you have fellowship with Him and you become one with Him. We are proclaiming that we are one with the crucified savior who was betrayed. We are also told we must all eat together like one family looking out for each other.
1Corinthians 12 -- There are two messages in the world. Some are saying “Jesus is accursed” and others are saying “Jesus is Lord”. Would you let someone who wishes to curse you and your family take care of your kids? When your kids watch TV or use the internet there are only two possible messages they are hearing. We have many different gifts in the body, Mister Rogers showed how you could have a TV show with the message “to love your neighbor as yourself”. He was a gift to the body. We have school teachers, we have people in every walk of life. We need every member and every gift. In this sense we are inclusive. However, the body has a defense system that will protect it from anything that wishes to curse the body. We need to identify the Spirit. An eyeball is very different from an ear which is very different from a foot. But the spirit is the same, in each case “Jesus is Lord” or in the analogy they each take their orders from the head. In the same way the body of Christ can be very diverse in the members, in the gifts and in the manifestation of those gifts, yet in every case the spirit is the same: “Jesus is Lord”.