I've felt so distracted in life away from homework, simple chores and most importantly, God. I've hated myself for that and I've felt like a constant danger to myself because of this. God is always ready for me to go to him, but at the end, it's my own foolishness that decides to go to distraction to forget in meaningless things. This problem has made me so miserable and scared to be alive. God is right in front of me, and my stupid sinful self is holding me back from living the way God wants me to live, to live with purpose! Then, right when i want to go to God for more than just a moment, I just lack the discipline to stay and I drown in distraction and wake up hours later realizing how important God is! I don't trust my own ability to make choices, I wish I could always want to go to God and not have sinful wants because i'm afraid distarctions will suddenly overcome me keep me asleep for hours to what important in life. I'm so angry at myself for being such a disappointment in this way because of my distracted mind.