I had an experience last week.
Me and my God-fearing date got intimate, in his car, no less.
Needless to say, the level of shame I have is incredible. I am ashamed of what I did and what manifested because of it.
He is very attractive to me, especially mentally. I love his talks. I love his prayers. He is incredibly intelligent and I love that. One night, in his car, he was showing me songs he likes. He put on a throwback ~love~ song and kissed me. He kissed me and put his hands between my legs. I didn’t stop him and truthfully, in that moment, I didn’t want him to. This is part of the shame.
We did *everything* in that car.
I went home high as kite off of pure satisfaction. And then I woke up.
Lord, the shame.
How can I do this? How could he? What even happened? The shame was mixed with the sudden intense, obsessive thoughts I began to have about sex, and not just sex in general, but sex with *him*. I think about those moments with him *all day long*. I am lusting for him in terrible way.
It feels like that one moment has unlocked this seedy part of my mind that can’t be controlled. It is disturbing and I have not experienced it before (and I have been sexually actively before this moment).
I have no idea how to move forward here. I pray about it, of course. But what I need is some direction. Please, advice welcome from anyone. Especially people who have struggled with lust/shame.
1. How to pray about this? (Verses welcomed)
2. How do you deal with sexual feelings as a single Christian?
Me and my God-fearing date got intimate, in his car, no less.
Needless to say, the level of shame I have is incredible. I am ashamed of what I did and what manifested because of it.
He is very attractive to me, especially mentally. I love his talks. I love his prayers. He is incredibly intelligent and I love that. One night, in his car, he was showing me songs he likes. He put on a throwback ~love~ song and kissed me. He kissed me and put his hands between my legs. I didn’t stop him and truthfully, in that moment, I didn’t want him to. This is part of the shame.
We did *everything* in that car.
I went home high as kite off of pure satisfaction. And then I woke up.
Lord, the shame.
How can I do this? How could he? What even happened? The shame was mixed with the sudden intense, obsessive thoughts I began to have about sex, and not just sex in general, but sex with *him*. I think about those moments with him *all day long*. I am lusting for him in terrible way.
It feels like that one moment has unlocked this seedy part of my mind that can’t be controlled. It is disturbing and I have not experienced it before (and I have been sexually actively before this moment).
I have no idea how to move forward here. I pray about it, of course. But what I need is some direction. Please, advice welcome from anyone. Especially people who have struggled with lust/shame.
1. How to pray about this? (Verses welcomed)
2. How do you deal with sexual feelings as a single Christian?
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