What if there was a bouncy-ball house of strategy, where people had to go through a mini golf-type course, with the goal to make it through "hoops?" I picture the diverse nature of X-games-esque skateboard parks, mixed with the consolidated nature of putt-putt. I also think of Spyro games, or most 90s racing games.
There would be a timer option. Of course (no pun intended), as you proceed, the hoops would change angles, obstacles, and even the pace at which they move. There would be different sizes for different skills, and different distance for xtra-challenge
I imagine the kind of glass that is used for indoor soccer or hockey. So people could watch, but they would not be pelted.
I would call it "Ballicade" (Ball-ih-KADE)
It is a reference to Barricade--
an improvised barrier erected across a street or other thoroughfare to prevent or delay the movement of opposing forces.
And an arcade.
I think this would take off as an alternative for parents for kids' parties.
This idea came to me when a kid was bouncing a ball off a restaurant's glass.
