What is your purpose for quoting me and posting these verses. A plain-English response, please.
Okay, Not accusing not saying anything to be anyway offensive
I hear, I write and post as I hear, thanks
Are you guilty, or not, that is between God and you. I am guilty, I need God to lead and God leads. I see to not doubt that or second guess that anymore, as religion taught me to do that, which put me under the curse of Law. Not the Law itself, me the first born person of flesh and blood is that curse passed down fro the first Adam.
God Won, I believe, have received and see new in this love for me and all the world too, thank you. Not concerned over sin anymore seeing Romans 7, hearing what Paul is talking about being under Law. Also in Galatians
How did you receive God, by belief, or work?
Galatians 3. Amazing to me to get this gift given them, me, you and all that choose to believe God. Then we get taught we have to take on Law and prove to others you are in by your work, Oh, what a reward one gets from other flesh that can't please God either. Wow, woe is me as in Isaiah 6:1-7 the tongs from the Holy Fire, cleansed Isaiah's lips, as today present and forever Christ cleansed us all in the risen Son given us to walk new in love to all, at least for me thank you
It is done on the cross, the reconciling of all, to Father through Son, the two as 'Won for us all to walk new, having a new focus on new life in thanksgiving and praise to Father through risen Son given us.
Made alive in Spirit and Truth, dead to not sin anymore, Amen.
Oh and if you are in an angst over sin you now hate and yet still do, wanting it to leave you. Turn to Father and Son as Won for you, it is done for you (John 19:30), not the self (even with Daddy's help) having to do what is already done for you too by Son thanks
Believe God completed what was needed to be completed, then in the risen Life of Son, new life in God's Spirit and /truth begins in each in sincere belief as I think you are in sincere belief
I am in still in process too