I'm giving you an update:
After I heard, that this woman was interested in me, it worked in me. That's why I made this post.
I was torn. I was intrigued by it, although I might not have noticed her, if I hadn't been made aware of that.
After a while of struggle, we had some contact over WhatApp. But I shut that down after the 2nd day and a phone call.
I blocked her, as a protection, that I wouldn't go further down that road.
After 2 days I was asked by somebody else, if I had done it. I wouldn't have thought it, but that lady was really very upset about it. Self doubt, blamed herself, but didn't know, what she had done wrong a.so.
So, I agreed to talk to her, clearifying stuff.
I did and since then the contact was "normal" - for me it was just two siblings talking.
But I called her friend, to check what was going on.
Unfortunately, this 53-year old lady is deeple infatuated, rose coloured glasses, hopeful for the future.
Now I'm deconstructing it - piece by piece. Because she is nice, because I am maybe a little bit to blame, that it came to this.