I would like to do some studding on Revelation with some people, if thats OK?
yes, go and share, hoping for all responses in care from the people here, love it
For me, Revelations is a Prophetic book. in and out of Heaven. Here on earth being the context and then in Heaven being the context is what I see and still do not understand it all. I do not expect to, since in the day of Jesus they did not know and denied Jesus as sent from God. they did not understand what killing him would do. He is risen where new life for me at least is given to not worry or stress out over anything anymore
We, the people want to know, who can really know Father's mysterious ways?
So, read Revelations yourself and seek to know Father and Son there in Revelations and let it flow through you and we all learn things we have not known.understanding everything in truth is conjecture
the Doctrine for me is Christ died once for us all then is risen to stand in believe to see it, growing in grace given and be new in love and mercy to all thanks, for me at least