I've been going through different religions. These just happened because of some unfortunate situations and this feeling inside me is urging me to explore them and learn new things. Honestly, my family didn't like my actions because they're devoted to our religion, but i just cant help but do it. For me, i do believe that there is no perfect religion. Each religions have different beliefs which is against to other religions and we aren't perfect either. Honestly no religion can save us, but our faith and love to God. But my family keeps telling stuffs about other religions and so is brainwashing my mind and i really hate it. I'm just 16 years old so they keep telling me that i don't understand anything but honestly, they just don't get me and all i can do is cry and pray for them to get my point. They want me to choose so i ended up not going to church with them. I know its not the right thing to do but i just don't know what else i can do. I'm so lost that i don't already know what i'm doing. Can you tell me what i should do? And if i'm right or wrong? I never sided any religion and i look at them fairly because after all they are worshiping only one God and i know in my heart that i am a Christian. You guys might not understand me but i go to our church secretly and pray secretly. They keep judging me because they never saw me pray during meals and other events but i did silently its just that i'm shy to show them.
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