I believe the declaration of our Maker, "Come, let us make man in our ir image," is the first mention of the promise of our resurrected selves.
He speaks in the plural which I believe is theFather, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
They are One.
We are promised to be made just like our Savior, Who is God, One with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, we would be just like that old decayed and left behind flesh of our worldly bodies.
Yes, I do believe that declaration is a promise of what all will be who come to Yeshua, to be just as He, not He, but just as He.
Praise God for His guarantees our being made in His image, for come His Day we shall be perfect and completed as holy. The Father says so, amen, and praise Him for all Heis doing for each of us who believe Him, amen.