I doubt any would remember but I used to post here some under the name Caduceus but I couldn't get my old account to load so I made this one. I may have prostate cancer and am currently making some choices on whether to MRI or go straight to biopsy. Please pray that both I and my doctors make the right choices.
Also please pray that I do not have cancer and that the biopsy/MRI is negative. Please pray for healing as well. The MRI isn't until the end of the month and the biopsy will be some weeks after that (unless I got straight to biopsy).
Please pray that whatever is causing my issues, whether it be cancer or not be healed.
I'm sorry you are having health challenges that concern you about cancer. I empathize with you.
I'm including 2 or 3 classes that I took for Ongoing Education on this subject.
I listened to them many times.
I'm of the view that becoming informed is usually better than trusting strangers that have financial incentives to tell you what they want you to do.
A patient I recently visited as a Chaplain was sent home with a $300 per day antibiotic. The Dr insists that he continues it for 6-8 weeks. He did not find any symptoms or positive tests for a bacterial infection.
The patient was very dehydrated from vomiting and other flu like symptoms.
At admission they denied him water for 22 additional hours . He vomited blood and be became delirious.
He was denied sleep for many hours of exhaustion because his obnoxiously loud iv alarm continued for hours since the nurses and aids would not respond to calls to the desk.
Keep in mind that the people who were entrusted with his life were honored as the best collective of medical professionals in my state by certain evaluation groups.
There are many more examples I could share, but hopefully I made the point with that. The hospital staff will not do the minimum to help a patient in distress. Any average person on the street could probably see that the man needs water, sleep, and avoiding stress. The loud honking for 4 hours and ignoring the patient's requirements for sleep is one thing the average uneducated person should be able and willing to deal with.
They would probably provide water too. However, when a salesman comes along that the patient never met, he is assumed to be an expert in health care and can decide for the patient what drastic therapy he needs despite sleep and water is not considered two of them.
What can we learn from that one example that represents many others at one of the best hospitals in West Virginia?
The Truth About Cancer<
The Truth About Cancer part 2<
Feel free to ask if you want any more classes on the subject
This post is not a recommendation.
The links simply provide information by Dr Jennifer Daniels, MD who speaks as someone who used to be in the system and uses common references like Medscape and JAMA.
I pray for your positive outcome and speedy healing. May the Great Physician bless you lots.
Health and Happiness