I'm asking for prayer from whomever is willing to offer it as I am beyond desperate now.
I'll try to keep this short and not go into too much detail.
Right now, after 11 or 12 years of ongoing problems and increasing misery, I feel I am at a breaking point and have repeatedly considering ending my life as an escape. (I am currently in counseling to help with this and other trauma but it's slow and expensive.)
During this time period I was a full time caregiver first for my mother, as she was dying from cancer, and then my father who became substantially physically disabled and elderly. He passed away in 2022. I had no help (no siblings) and found it both physically and emotionally draining. It ruined me financially as well, but I chose to do it out of love for my parents.
During this same time period my neighborhood began to change and we got new neighbors. The first was a violent, mentally ill (schizophrenic) drug user and dealer. He terrorized the neighborhood with acts of violence and threatening behavior, as well as incredible amounts of noise. We had little to no help from the police or local courts and lived in constant fear. He eventually died.
However new people with connections to the former neighbor moved in. While they have not been violent (yet) they make unbearable amounts of noise, in particular pounding LOUD music that often shakes my house and my body, wild outdoor parties that go on all night and have vehicles that have been modified to make extreme noise. I often have to leave my house or stay in the basement, because the noise and vibration makes me sick. I can no longer sleep in the bedroom and increasingly don't want to eat. My physical and mental health are rapidly declining. The police are no use and everyone is afraid to complain because the drunkenness and drug taking and repercussions (fearing getting stabbed or shot).
I am not in a financial position to sell and buy a home elsewhere and may lose this house as it, as I need to get back into the workplace but have been unwell since these people arrived.
I pray and pray and pray and ask God to set me free from this ongoing torment somehow and to let me have peaceful, safe home again so that i can heal and get my life back on track after so many years, but things just seem to get worse. I am single and mostly alone with little family left.
Any prayers greatly appreciated.
I'll try to keep this short and not go into too much detail.
Right now, after 11 or 12 years of ongoing problems and increasing misery, I feel I am at a breaking point and have repeatedly considering ending my life as an escape. (I am currently in counseling to help with this and other trauma but it's slow and expensive.)
During this time period I was a full time caregiver first for my mother, as she was dying from cancer, and then my father who became substantially physically disabled and elderly. He passed away in 2022. I had no help (no siblings) and found it both physically and emotionally draining. It ruined me financially as well, but I chose to do it out of love for my parents.
During this same time period my neighborhood began to change and we got new neighbors. The first was a violent, mentally ill (schizophrenic) drug user and dealer. He terrorized the neighborhood with acts of violence and threatening behavior, as well as incredible amounts of noise. We had little to no help from the police or local courts and lived in constant fear. He eventually died.
However new people with connections to the former neighbor moved in. While they have not been violent (yet) they make unbearable amounts of noise, in particular pounding LOUD music that often shakes my house and my body, wild outdoor parties that go on all night and have vehicles that have been modified to make extreme noise. I often have to leave my house or stay in the basement, because the noise and vibration makes me sick. I can no longer sleep in the bedroom and increasingly don't want to eat. My physical and mental health are rapidly declining. The police are no use and everyone is afraid to complain because the drunkenness and drug taking and repercussions (fearing getting stabbed or shot).
I am not in a financial position to sell and buy a home elsewhere and may lose this house as it, as I need to get back into the workplace but have been unwell since these people arrived.
I pray and pray and pray and ask God to set me free from this ongoing torment somehow and to let me have peaceful, safe home again so that i can heal and get my life back on track after so many years, but things just seem to get worse. I am single and mostly alone with little family left.
Any prayers greatly appreciated.
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