Hello Sander, actually, we have GREAT/AMAZING/FREE healthcare and financial support available to the poor and disabled here in the States (e.g. Medicaid/Welfare/Social Security). The hard part, at times, is being able to jump through all of the hoops that it takes to get it.
In Blaine's case (as in most), a lawyer who ~specializes~ in SSI and SSD needs to be retained. It's a process (and a pain) to be sure (a number of my family members have been on SSI/SSD over the years), but it can be done (and the lawyers fee is typically taken out of the first government check that arrives, and since it normally takes so many months to get the first one, there is typically enough money in that first check to cover the lawyer's fee and to live on

So, if Blaine wants/needs to go this route (and it sounds like he should), the sooner he does so, the better. I hope that he has a family or church family member who will help him find the right lawyer (after that, the lawyer basically takes it from there

God bless you!!