Facts about me, hmmmm lol. I suppose that I'll start off by saying that I like to read and write, just like John Boy off the Waltons

Everyone that sees my handwriting asks me if I went to school for it lol. I'm like,"That's just the way I write!" An odd thing for a male to say is that he doesn't like sports. Unfortunately, I'm one of those lol. I've been told to hand in my "man card" because of it. I mean, I used to play soccer as a kid but grew out of it - thanks to the discovery of SNES lol. I have a big heart for cats actually. I like dogs too, but I'm a cat person through and through (says no guy ever lol). I don't like:
-Coconut (but love the scent)
-Porkchops (They're ok, but not really my cup of tea)

-Black olives
I do like:
-Anything Italian (love the language)
-Five Guys Burgers and Fries (well, most restaurants lol)
-Zaxby's Chicken
-Cats, of course.
-Church (Love is a better term