Tell us your secret 
Well anyway, it is the way I like rice

. All the other recipes made it too sticky for me. Keep in mind though, I use brown rice, and don't know how white rice would react. Since I got it online, I don't have a problem sharing it online
Put desired amount of rice in pan. (I know. It starts out really excitingly! Recipes that are so changeable like that are the cat's meow).
Rest your finger on the top of the rice, and add water until the water reaches your first knuckle (about 3/4 inch above the rice).
Bring rice to a boil over high heat, turn down to medium heat and put a cover on it as soon as it boils (results are best if you have a glass cover or one you can see through).
When there is no longer water bubbles coming up through the holes in the rice, (here's when the glass cover comes in handy), turn it down to low and cook for another 15 minutes. (and indefinitely, since it is basically just keeping warm at this point).
Serve and enjoy!