The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
he is so patient and offers us such forebearance , other religions dont seem to have a God with compassion , understanding , genuine Love for his people and those who worship him.
I believe that’s what is so beautifully true of what the Bible says about the Father who loves the son and through him the Father dearly Loves the children
that message of paternal Love , coming from the one and only all
Powerful mighty creator God , towards mankind his creation which he made to represent his own likeness in the earth
it seems other religions have the powerful “god” and the mythology which goes along with thier “god” but it’s never about God the Father or His children that he loves and cares about
it’s usually about how those created people serve the rules of the creator mighty God that’s high above then all d just wants everyone Boeing and crawling before him Many religions tell of a god but it’s usually the same story a god up high , a list of his ways and rules , and man trying to accomplish or reach certain reward
but there is no relationship no care and love , no father and children who lays his own life on the line to save and redeem his creation because we matter to him deeply he cares about us and helps us d offers us this amazing forebearance and patience as we find and follow him to life