Hi! We and our married daughter's family live in Traverse City, Michigan. Our unsaved daughter, Marie, has recently applied to be divorced from her wonderful, Christian husband. How sad! We are very concerned. Does any of you have any experience as to what helps a parent to gain the best custody rights over their children? They have 2 children - ages 7 and 8. She is a very wealthy house cleaner, with others working for her too. He doesn't earn as much as she does. He has a home with mortgage on it. It is an old house, with old paint on the walks of the living room, that has some lead in it. Will that affect custody rights? He has a clean home, but lots of clutter. Willl that affect the custody rights? She has a lawyer, but he couldn't find an available one till very recently. Some other faults our daughter has - will they affect custody rights? She uses recreational marijuana, and also has been immoral with a few different men so far.