Nope. Not real wise.
But why do that, when we have
the entire Bible at our fingertips? = )
[I see many people making this very claim, however, about "our Rapture [IN THE AIR],"
mistakenly claiming that 1Th4:17 is the
ONLY place Paul spoke of it... not realizing that Paul actually spoke of this concept something like
EIGHT TIMES (using various terms and phrases) throughout his TWO epistles to the Thessalonians...and that's just THOSE two epistles... he wrote of it elsewhere also

; and I see many, when pointing out the facts of what 1Th4:
17 actually states, fail to take notice that it is placed in the CONTEXT of what 3:13
had just stated, and thus miss its full import (thinking the verse [v.17]
has only to do with comforting believers as to where their believing-loved-ones-who've-DIED
are, presently; but that is
not the extent of what is actually being covered in this FULL CONTEXT, or even just in v.17... or vv.14-17 even)]