The bane of a single persons existence is the church busybody.
Or they might not even go to your church. They could go to a church you used to go to, but now no longer, because they interferred with your life so much and tried to give you advice when you didnt ask for it. They invited themselves over to your place and then proceeded to help themselves, and when you go to theirs insist you stay for hours and hours chatting over endless cups of tea when you actually have to get home and put the washing away.
Or it could be one of your neighbours who has somehow got onto your social media or chat group and is now posting comments on everyone and everything. You hear a beep on yor phone but its nothing important just the busybody again alerting you to some possible scam and thinking 'you should know'. Or they have somehow got your email and will fwd you everything that you have never asked for, plus little chain email messages that say 'send this to everyone and send me one back to otherwise I know you dont love Jesus'
It cold be the work busybody, timing how long you take on your breaks and then saying 'what are you doing?' 'working hard there?' when its your downtime, and sighing loudly when you dont rush to help them carry their own load. They will also ask 'any plans for the weekend?' as if hoping for some juicy gossip, but when you tell them you dont plan on doing anything as thats what weekends are for, they look put out.
it will be the smug married busybody, asking why arent you married like they are, and then saying things like oh theres plenty of time, dont worry you'll find someone, when actually you are fine just as you are and never said you were looking.
In the Bible, the busybody gets short shrift, and is put in the same category as adulterers, fornicators and murderers.
To be quiet, to do our own work with our hands and mind our own business is pleasing to God. To interfere and meddle with other peoples lives ..and to create drama when there is none is....not.
Or they might not even go to your church. They could go to a church you used to go to, but now no longer, because they interferred with your life so much and tried to give you advice when you didnt ask for it. They invited themselves over to your place and then proceeded to help themselves, and when you go to theirs insist you stay for hours and hours chatting over endless cups of tea when you actually have to get home and put the washing away.
Or it could be one of your neighbours who has somehow got onto your social media or chat group and is now posting comments on everyone and everything. You hear a beep on yor phone but its nothing important just the busybody again alerting you to some possible scam and thinking 'you should know'. Or they have somehow got your email and will fwd you everything that you have never asked for, plus little chain email messages that say 'send this to everyone and send me one back to otherwise I know you dont love Jesus'
It cold be the work busybody, timing how long you take on your breaks and then saying 'what are you doing?' 'working hard there?' when its your downtime, and sighing loudly when you dont rush to help them carry their own load. They will also ask 'any plans for the weekend?' as if hoping for some juicy gossip, but when you tell them you dont plan on doing anything as thats what weekends are for, they look put out.
it will be the smug married busybody, asking why arent you married like they are, and then saying things like oh theres plenty of time, dont worry you'll find someone, when actually you are fine just as you are and never said you were looking.
In the Bible, the busybody gets short shrift, and is put in the same category as adulterers, fornicators and murderers.
To be quiet, to do our own work with our hands and mind our own business is pleasing to God. To interfere and meddle with other peoples lives ..and to create drama when there is none is....not.