Not being mean here, just being truthful; many on here seem to have really poor reading comprehension.

That wasn’t what I meant at all, but they took it that way. That’s disgusting to say I thought believers had intercourse with God. Not hardly!
It's futile, they are ready to attack, they don't reason or use rational arguments. Your meaning was not where they've taken it, that came from their own hearts, not from your words or intentions.
Whatever you say will be used against you, no matter what, even when they know what they assert to be untrue. Then they pile in on you which makes it apparent why we are not to engage them; Matthew 7:6.
This is the most saddening part: it is how the react, interact every single day on here for hours a day, nearly every single day of the year. Imagine how they are in real life: 1) They act completely different in public, which is hypocritical; 2) They act just like this in public which would not make for good fellowship, which is what goes on here. They are looking and apparently trolling for some kind of fight, they live for it.
I vaguely recall one was exposed on a social media account on a Christian forum, the behavior of the person in that social media account was just like their behavior on that forum, but with four letter words strewn in, and often. But whoever it was said it wasn't them, someone hacked the account. I bought that lame excuse for exactly no amount of time whatsoever. If it walks like a duck...