It has been days,but everyday it is repeated. The scene: daily Presidential covid 19 update.
Trump is speaking. On possible ways to fight the virus. Trump turns to the Dr. on his right and is having a “what if?” Convo (#1 stay focused Trump..#2 that was not a convo to have in front of the should have been done before the conference) I see he was asking,if disinfectants work outside the body MAYBE,we can do SOMETHING like that inside the body? (He was asking a really good question but it should not have been done in that setting)... Now all I see and hear is don’t digest disinfectants 😳..have u lost ur mind?!!@ the news media? I do grant u that there maybe some ppl that need to be reminded ,that is poisonous and DONOT ingest..HOWEVER,u have over played ur hand! Trump NEVER suggested that anyone should ingest that!
SHAME on u news media!! SHAME SHAME!!
U have now caused me to second guess YOU.
Trump is speaking. On possible ways to fight the virus. Trump turns to the Dr. on his right and is having a “what if?” Convo (#1 stay focused Trump..#2 that was not a convo to have in front of the should have been done before the conference) I see he was asking,if disinfectants work outside the body MAYBE,we can do SOMETHING like that inside the body? (He was asking a really good question but it should not have been done in that setting)... Now all I see and hear is don’t digest disinfectants 😳..have u lost ur mind?!!@ the news media? I do grant u that there maybe some ppl that need to be reminded ,that is poisonous and DONOT ingest..HOWEVER,u have over played ur hand! Trump NEVER suggested that anyone should ingest that!
SHAME on u news media!! SHAME SHAME!!
U have now caused me to second guess YOU.
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