Hi, Jo.
The first thing that you need to recognize is that the "church" is not a building that people go to. The Greek word
ekklēsia, which is translated into English as "church" in the Bible, literally means a called out assembly or congregation of people. In other words, it refers to anybody who has been called out of darkness and into God's marvelous light. With that being the case, you are not only a part of the church yourself, but so is every other true believer that you come into contact with, and that includes true believers that you may talk to here.
As far as advice is concerned, I would recommend that you either read the Bible on your own, or listen to it on an audio Bible app, or both. Here is a link to a site where you can listen to different Bible versions being read to you by different speakers.
If you follow that link, then you can use the drop down arrows to pick which Bible version you want to listen to, what book of the Bible you want to hear, and what narrator will narrate it to you.
Whether you read the Bible or listen to it on audio, pray first, and ask the Holy Spirit, who the Bible calls the Spirit of truth, to give you understanding. He is the one who inspired the writing of the scriptures, and he knows exactly what they mean.
Welcome to the family of God.