Reminds me of all the optimism before the 2022 election
Yep... only in this case it is based upon the Factual Trends...
AND a completely NEW ENVIRONMENT - as the NEW BATTLEFIELD HAS CHANGED and has been LEVELED and even TILTED to the POINT that the DS has LOST the BATTLE for CONTROL of the NARRATIVE...
OH, and it is very IMPORTANT to acknowledge that WINNING the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES and SPEAKER of the HOUSE were CRITICAL IMPERATIVES along the CRITICAL PATH for creating conditions for Current and Future Successes for Enabling the GREAT AWAKENING...
- The DS has Failed to Cancel Trump at every turn... But I thought we were told that the DS is in total Control of everything?
- Why is the DS SOOOO AFRAID of Trump? Because after He Won 2016 against the FIX they had set for HRC they KNEW that he was the Face of the White Hats Q (Highest Level of Classification) Plan... They KNEW that if they could eliminate Him & Flynn - the White Hats would have to recruit another, and another, and another...
- In this type of INFORMATION WARFARE - here is the TREND that they Patriots and White Hats are seeing...
- The DS has FAILED to prevent the White Hats & Patriots from being able to gradually TAKE the MAGAPHONE via Telegram, Truth Social, Rumble, Twitter, News Max, Tucker Carlson etc... and the MAGA HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES...
- as more and more Christian Patriot Truthers are able to SHARE more and more truths via other Social Media without being Cancelled or being put in FB jail any more... More and More Americans are becoming AWAKENED to the TRUTHS about the DS/LEFT CORRUPTION and at the Same Time, more and more people are contributing to the Great Awakening... and all the while more and more people are become aware of the Forces of Good (White Hats) and the Gen Flynn MOVEMENT per his book: "The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare" 'Introduction to 5GW'