Hi sister...
It is very low carb and high in good fats...
No grains , no rice , no pasta , no spuds , no bread , no processed foods...No veg grown under ground , no crackers , no cookies , no ice cream and no more man made foods that they tamper with...
But , I can eat lots of meat off the bone , grass fed butter , nut milks , salads , eggs , cheese , make my own bread , cakes using almond flower...My way of eating now is really delish because everything is made from scratch...I make my own sauces as shop bought is full of sugar , nearly everything bought in the shops is full of sugar , so I stay away from these things...
I have not only reduced the diabetes , but I have also lost a stone and half in weight...I follow a DR on YouTube who tells you the things that your own doctor leaves out , and a Christian man who does Keto , I follow him to...
I was told by my doctor that I would have this for life , yet it is reversable , but I must keep eating this way for always...
Many people are what is called insulin resistant and do not even know it...My allergies have gone , no more hives , no more breakout of skin infections due to the high glucose in my body...It is fascinating as I learn on this journey , did you know , cancer loves sugar , it feeds of it and helps it grow , just like every disease , they all love sugar , even down to having acne...
Sorry for writing all this , but am so passionate about it I want to tell everyone
