You need a license to drive a car. This is physical proof that somewhere someone thought you were able to operate one safely. You need a gun license (in some areas) for the same reason.
You need a ham radio license so the radio community can rest fairly easy that the airwaves will not be cluttered up with every kind of idiot who managed to fumble some equipment into operational order. If you do try to broadcast without a license they WILL track you down and make sure you get fined. Some ham-heads have way too much time and wicked skills.
So what activities do not require a license, but you wish they did?
Why do you wish a license was required?
If the activity of your choice did require a license and someone tried to go without one, what would the punishment be? A fine? Some enforcement of a ban from that activity? (For how long? How would it be enforced?)
What would be required to pass the license test?
How would you catch people who were trying to go without a license?
You need a ham radio license so the radio community can rest fairly easy that the airwaves will not be cluttered up with every kind of idiot who managed to fumble some equipment into operational order. If you do try to broadcast without a license they WILL track you down and make sure you get fined. Some ham-heads have way too much time and wicked skills.
So what activities do not require a license, but you wish they did?
Why do you wish a license was required?
If the activity of your choice did require a license and someone tried to go without one, what would the punishment be? A fine? Some enforcement of a ban from that activity? (For how long? How would it be enforced?)
What would be required to pass the license test?
How would you catch people who were trying to go without a license?
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