So what are you saying here? Are you saying that you and your family used to be Bible believers, but now are no longer Bible believers???
If that is what you are saying, well then shame on you.
No blessings on us for leaving that cursed cult. Lets change on the outside, through dress codes, proper hair cuts and observe the mosaic law and beat our kids into submission.
Brother Lester Roloff was a good, godly, preacher and man who stood for the truth. He preached on holiness and righteousness and he preached strongly against sin. And best of all, he believed the BOOK. He was a King James Bible believing preacher. He loved the word of God. He stood for and defended the Authorized King James Holy Bible.
Oh please Mr. 28 year old Bible Believer, If you are indeed only 28 you were never alive to know the real Lester Roloff.
I remember him coming to out Church IN Kansas City MO and instructing the men to never spare the rod on their kids or wives. I remember him chuckling a satanic chuckle and telling the men and teen boys...Whack your wife good if she refuses you on anything and especially if she opens her pie hole in church. Beat her good, so she will never, ever question you are her Adam and she is cursed to bear you your children and be under your Lordship. The woman is a sub species of man, therfore she gives you receive. END OF STORY! its in the ole KJV boys! man that scary ole Texas drawl had devil in it.
It might be in your best interest to step away from the Bible Believer koolaide pump for enough time and research Ole Lesters penchant for disobeying State authorities. He refused to submit to state authorities investigating him for abuse in is home for Girls.
My Dad was witness to ole Lester crying to our Pastor in KCMO that he was so misunderstood, the Rebekah home for Girls was nothing more than a sadist camp for men and women so bound by Bible Believers lies, they beat and sexually abused those girls all the time, to brain wash them further they withheld food.
My dad overheard the real issues, porn and drugs and booze and a host of other things were found in the homes and ole Lester was known to get his own hands dirty with the young girls, by beating them with a rod, just like good ole Proverbs says....this is why heeh would not let the state have their inspections he was a fraud and sadist...
And then he died by a lightening strike in his airplane.....nuff said
So do me a favor , before you go telling people how Godly Roloff was, do your homework and put down the Bible Believer koolaide. Roloff blackmailed people in poltiics as well, he also very racist...pastors wee terrified of him, when they found out what kind of real man, er Devil they were dealing with.
Yeah I said Devil...I felt it as a kid and you could see it in his eyes...little kids and babies always cried around him