I tuned into the Alex Jones show at lunch. He described some things of interest about Joe Rogan considering he has the world's biggest podcast. I'm no fan of Rogan and he's no fan of Christianity or our Savior. I'll post some messages and quotes about that for those who are interested.
Alex and Joe are good friends and got a call from Joe who was upset about a demonic attack. I'm not surprised because Rogan does drugs which are open invitations to those damned devils. Even his logo that is his brand has a eye on his forehead with his freakish grin like he's on drugs. That being the case, Alex related how "a famous podcaster", like he wasn't given permission to tell, had a dark shadow come into his room and throw him up against the wall and tear him up. He said that he was told that he was injured and frightened. Alex said he was an atheist and Rogan has been an atheist. He's obviously talking about him. Then Alex says Rogan just told him that he needs Jesus.
Keep in mind that although Alex promotes his pentecostal mega church pastor, he's a self stylized New Ager. He believes some basics about the Bible, then spins in his own philosophy. He's lost and he's the last person that Joe Rogan needs to talk to about the Lord.
I'm praying that a good saved Baptist or evangelical who is filled with the Holy Spirit's power will knock on Joe's door this week and boldly lead him to Christ. Perhaps he will get saved since this demonic attack has pushed him away and perhaps to the Lord. He needs a believer to lead him though. Being a celebrity, that won't happen by chance. God will need to intervene directly with someone who able to cut through the nonsense that Rogan believes right now. Rogan believes a bunch of lies about Jesus and gets his views from the wicked Devinchi Code. Someone needs to teach him the basics and not afraid to tell that celebrity that he's dead wrong, then show from the Bible the facts.
Please pray with me about this.
If he gets saved and in a GOOD Church, he can influence many millions for Christ.
Alex and Joe are good friends and got a call from Joe who was upset about a demonic attack. I'm not surprised because Rogan does drugs which are open invitations to those damned devils. Even his logo that is his brand has a eye on his forehead with his freakish grin like he's on drugs. That being the case, Alex related how "a famous podcaster", like he wasn't given permission to tell, had a dark shadow come into his room and throw him up against the wall and tear him up. He said that he was told that he was injured and frightened. Alex said he was an atheist and Rogan has been an atheist. He's obviously talking about him. Then Alex says Rogan just told him that he needs Jesus.
Keep in mind that although Alex promotes his pentecostal mega church pastor, he's a self stylized New Ager. He believes some basics about the Bible, then spins in his own philosophy. He's lost and he's the last person that Joe Rogan needs to talk to about the Lord.
I'm praying that a good saved Baptist or evangelical who is filled with the Holy Spirit's power will knock on Joe's door this week and boldly lead him to Christ. Perhaps he will get saved since this demonic attack has pushed him away and perhaps to the Lord. He needs a believer to lead him though. Being a celebrity, that won't happen by chance. God will need to intervene directly with someone who able to cut through the nonsense that Rogan believes right now. Rogan believes a bunch of lies about Jesus and gets his views from the wicked Devinchi Code. Someone needs to teach him the basics and not afraid to tell that celebrity that he's dead wrong, then show from the Bible the facts.
Please pray with me about this.
If he gets saved and in a GOOD Church, he can influence many millions for Christ.
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