Did you know the Nostra aetate encyclical, the New left theory of Adorno AND neoconservatism ALL got supported by the same organization? This organization is called the American Jewish Committee.
Wikipedia mentioned their dialogue with the vaitcan before Nostra aetate and their publishing of Commentary magazine (the magazine that fostored Neoconservatism and supported the Iraq war), but they don't mentioned their tie to the new left. The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno and other books of Frankfurt School in fact got published by the AJC in response to AJC project on fighting prejudice started in 1944.
To see evidence of that you need to look at the cover of the book by Adorno, not the wikipedia page.https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.469826/page/n6/mode/1up
This means that one org has had huge and apparently contradictory influence on the USA and world post- WW2 which isn't at all well known. In my mind, very bad, as the new left and neoconservatives have caused huge suffering domestically and abroad.
the wiki on the group
And, no, this isn't about race (Jesus was a jew) or about religion either (not all jews have to do with the AJC), but it does have to do with right and wrong.
I hope people read this.
Wikipedia mentioned their dialogue with the vaitcan before Nostra aetate and their publishing of Commentary magazine (the magazine that fostored Neoconservatism and supported the Iraq war), but they don't mentioned their tie to the new left. The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno and other books of Frankfurt School in fact got published by the AJC in response to AJC project on fighting prejudice started in 1944.
To see evidence of that you need to look at the cover of the book by Adorno, not the wikipedia page.https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.469826/page/n6/mode/1up
This means that one org has had huge and apparently contradictory influence on the USA and world post- WW2 which isn't at all well known. In my mind, very bad, as the new left and neoconservatives have caused huge suffering domestically and abroad.
the wiki on the group
And, no, this isn't about race (Jesus was a jew) or about religion either (not all jews have to do with the AJC), but it does have to do with right and wrong.
I hope people read this.