I've always believed in a young earth, but I would add a few years. While the generations seem to be spelled out in the Bible, apparently there was a tradition to do with leaving out some of the generations that were not important. So, if that is true, the earth could be as old as 10,000 years. If that is not so, then, 6000 years.
I've done a lot of study about this, since I was first saved 43 years ago. Besides the similarities between continent edges, to do with the splitting of one great continent - Pangea (even long earth evolutionists believe in one continent), there are so many other reasons for believing in a young earth. If the earth was millions or billions of years old, I doubt the same kind of sand would still be found on the beaches in south west Africa and north east South America. Plus, the genetic load mutation would mean no one could be born without deadly mutations. It's interesting this thread brought up the fact that initially, in early Genesis it was ok to marry a brother or sister. No genetic mutations in those days, which is a primary motivation in not marrying brothers or sisters or even close cousins. I worked with disabled children one summer. There was a family with 5 kids, 3 of which had terrible facial mutations and retardation. The parents were first cousins. My MIL said her mom, back in a small German colony used to say, "It's better to marry a Jew than marry a close family member." So, it wasn't just the Jews, either. The Pharaohs of Egypt had to marry their sisters to become king, in the early dynasties. But, even by the 18th dynasty, I think mutations were starting to come out, if the sculptures and pictures of Akhenaten and Tutankhamen as well as Nefertiti are any indication. And God did eventually forbid intermarriage in close families with the tribes of Abraham. Really, the entire Jewish nation was started by one man, who had one son, who had one son, who had 12 sons. So, lots of intermarrying. But, after the Flood, I think more radiation entered the atmosphere, causing mutations to multiply.
I took Geology, biology and lots of geomorphology in my undergrad degree in Geography. The rocks dated the plants, and the plants dated the rocks, depending upon which classroom you were in. I wasn't a Christian in those days, but I began to question the circular reasoning. I began to see a case for "intelligent design" although I had no idea who the designer was, nor the name of the theory, in those days. Thankfully, God saved me the end of my first year of studies, and I have never looked back. I do read lots from the Institute for Creation Science. They have PhD professors who believe in a young earth creation, and do primary research to prove it. Although the Bible is enough for me, its good to show the world that this whole long earth thing is just a scam to give evolution enough time to happen. Even though life has never been created without prior intelligence and energy. So, I believe God, but its nice to know how much research there is available to back it up!
I've done a lot of study about this, since I was first saved 43 years ago. Besides the similarities between continent edges, to do with the splitting of one great continent - Pangea (even long earth evolutionists believe in one continent), there are so many other reasons for believing in a young earth. If the earth was millions or billions of years old, I doubt the same kind of sand would still be found on the beaches in south west Africa and north east South America. Plus, the genetic load mutation would mean no one could be born without deadly mutations. It's interesting this thread brought up the fact that initially, in early Genesis it was ok to marry a brother or sister. No genetic mutations in those days, which is a primary motivation in not marrying brothers or sisters or even close cousins. I worked with disabled children one summer. There was a family with 5 kids, 3 of which had terrible facial mutations and retardation. The parents were first cousins. My MIL said her mom, back in a small German colony used to say, "It's better to marry a Jew than marry a close family member." So, it wasn't just the Jews, either. The Pharaohs of Egypt had to marry their sisters to become king, in the early dynasties. But, even by the 18th dynasty, I think mutations were starting to come out, if the sculptures and pictures of Akhenaten and Tutankhamen as well as Nefertiti are any indication. And God did eventually forbid intermarriage in close families with the tribes of Abraham. Really, the entire Jewish nation was started by one man, who had one son, who had one son, who had 12 sons. So, lots of intermarrying. But, after the Flood, I think more radiation entered the atmosphere, causing mutations to multiply.
I took Geology, biology and lots of geomorphology in my undergrad degree in Geography. The rocks dated the plants, and the plants dated the rocks, depending upon which classroom you were in. I wasn't a Christian in those days, but I began to question the circular reasoning. I began to see a case for "intelligent design" although I had no idea who the designer was, nor the name of the theory, in those days. Thankfully, God saved me the end of my first year of studies, and I have never looked back. I do read lots from the Institute for Creation Science. They have PhD professors who believe in a young earth creation, and do primary research to prove it. Although the Bible is enough for me, its good to show the world that this whole long earth thing is just a scam to give evolution enough time to happen. Even though life has never been created without prior intelligence and energy. So, I believe God, but its nice to know how much research there is available to back it up!
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