Btw, here is the post from 2 years and 9 months ago which has caused all of the contention:
As you should notice, it was a P.S. that was added hastily to a post, and I did rightly (especially in hindsight) start it by saying "I probably shouldn't add this, but I will."
I later honestly tried to explain my intent here:
Do you honestly believe that someone should "have caution" where I am concerned because I encouraged them to share more of God's word on a Christian forum?
Seriously, this whole thing is nuts.
Btw, here is the post from 2 years and 9 months ago which has caused all of the contention:
I probably shouldn't add this, but I will.
Just so you know that you truly haven't run me off with your comments here, I will let you know that you were very much a part of the reason why I left this website my first time through here as "Live4Him". Not that you committed some great offense, but more so in the sense that you disappointed me, and it was kind of a "last straw" for me in that I felt that you were one of the few bright spots here at that time.
By "disappointed", I mean that I felt then, and probably still do now, that you have a lot more to offer from a scriptural standpoint than you normally offer here. Anyhow, that's just my own personal observation/assessment, and although you might take it negatively, it could also be seen as a positive or a bit of a nudge to share more of God's word here.
That's your call. At my end, I'm just being my usual honest self...even if you think I'm honestly wrong.
I probably shouldn't add this, but I will.
Just so you know that you truly haven't run me off with your comments here, I will let you know that you were very much a part of the reason why I left this website my first time through here as "Live4Him". Not that you committed some great offense, but more so in the sense that you disappointed me, and it was kind of a "last straw" for me in that I felt that you were one of the few bright spots here at that time.
By "disappointed", I mean that I felt then, and probably still do now, that you have a lot more to offer from a scriptural standpoint than you normally offer here. Anyhow, that's just my own personal observation/assessment, and although you might take it negatively, it could also be seen as a positive or a bit of a nudge to share more of God's word here.
That's your call. At my end, I'm just being my usual honest self...even if you think I'm honestly wrong.
I later honestly tried to explain my intent here:
Call me a glutton for punishment, but, now that some time has passed, I'll say the following...
If you go back and reread what I actually said, then I think/hope that you'll realize that there was nothing truly offensive in my words at all.
Seeing how my "P.S." is what obviously caused the offense, I'll just quickly cover what I actually said and meant.
In relation to you being "very much a part of the reason why I left this website my first time through here as 'Live4Him'" or the "last straw", I deliberately and honestly told you "NOT that you committed some great offense, but more so in the sense that you disappointed me". Don't miss the "NOT that you committed some great offense" part because what little of your response that I read seemed to indicate that you thought I was highly offended with you and highly offensive towards you, and nothing could be further from the truth in that neither were what I actually felt or intended.
I then went on to explain exactly what my "disappointment" was, and a "disappointment" is basically a nonfulfillment of one's hopes.
And what was my hope?
That you'd become like me?
No, not at all.
As I said, "you were one of the few BRIGHT SPOTS here at that time".
How so?
Because, unlike most people here whose posts I've read who quote scripture, I felt as if you were handling God's word rightly when you did share it, and I therefore hoped that you would share more of it.
Is it such a horrible thing for a Christian man who absolutely loves God's word and people to desire to see God's word shared rightly with others?
That's honestly all that I was referring to.
Nothing about NOT showing humanity to others, but simply a desire to see you share more of God's word which is not only incorruptible seed, but also spirit and life.
Also, I wasn't talking about "bombarding" anyone with scripture in some inhumane manner as if I were Attila the Hun or something or advocating anything even remotely related to the same. No. Simply a verse here and there because God's word has tremendous potential healing power in it.
That's truly all that I was trying to say.
Anyhow, I figured that my comments would probably be misconstrued, and that is why I said that you'll probably see it as a negative, but it truly wasn't intended that way.
Of course, I fully expected for some others here to "pile on", and that came to fruition as well.
Anyhow, I'm NOT your enemy.
If you do choose to respond, then please just reread my post before you do. I wasn't seeking to condemn or judge you in the least. My first time through here (and my second and third?) was hardly a day at the beach. In fact, it was almost constant grief, and you were a BRIGHT SPOT. That's what I said.
For whatever that's worth.
If you go back and reread what I actually said, then I think/hope that you'll realize that there was nothing truly offensive in my words at all.
Seeing how my "P.S." is what obviously caused the offense, I'll just quickly cover what I actually said and meant.
In relation to you being "very much a part of the reason why I left this website my first time through here as 'Live4Him'" or the "last straw", I deliberately and honestly told you "NOT that you committed some great offense, but more so in the sense that you disappointed me". Don't miss the "NOT that you committed some great offense" part because what little of your response that I read seemed to indicate that you thought I was highly offended with you and highly offensive towards you, and nothing could be further from the truth in that neither were what I actually felt or intended.
I then went on to explain exactly what my "disappointment" was, and a "disappointment" is basically a nonfulfillment of one's hopes.
And what was my hope?
That you'd become like me?
No, not at all.
As I said, "you were one of the few BRIGHT SPOTS here at that time".
How so?
Because, unlike most people here whose posts I've read who quote scripture, I felt as if you were handling God's word rightly when you did share it, and I therefore hoped that you would share more of it.
Is it such a horrible thing for a Christian man who absolutely loves God's word and people to desire to see God's word shared rightly with others?
That's honestly all that I was referring to.
Nothing about NOT showing humanity to others, but simply a desire to see you share more of God's word which is not only incorruptible seed, but also spirit and life.
Also, I wasn't talking about "bombarding" anyone with scripture in some inhumane manner as if I were Attila the Hun or something or advocating anything even remotely related to the same. No. Simply a verse here and there because God's word has tremendous potential healing power in it.
That's truly all that I was trying to say.
Anyhow, I figured that my comments would probably be misconstrued, and that is why I said that you'll probably see it as a negative, but it truly wasn't intended that way.
Of course, I fully expected for some others here to "pile on", and that came to fruition as well.
Anyhow, I'm NOT your enemy.
If you do choose to respond, then please just reread my post before you do. I wasn't seeking to condemn or judge you in the least. My first time through here (and my second and third?) was hardly a day at the beach. In fact, it was almost constant grief, and you were a BRIGHT SPOT. That's what I said.
For whatever that's worth.
Seriously, this whole thing is nuts.