The church seems to be awash with prophets and prophetesses all prophesying wonderful things concerning the church in the end times. Magnificent she will be, glorious, bedecked with majesty, all powerful she is ready to seize the reins of power. All around her as earthly rule and power fail she alone will stand.
Get you underground ... that is what I would be shouting from the rooftops, do it now while you have the time or at least get yourself into a position of readiness whereby you may vanish from the public view. The storm is about to break and it will sweep away all before it.
Imagine yourself a prophet to the Jews in the Germany of say 1930, imagine if you were trying to warn them of the horror which was about to unfold and engulf them. Hardly a one of them would believe you, certainly they would not believe the scale of the tragedy about to engulf them.
"We've been through it all before" they might say, "it could not happen, Germany is a civilized country, there is too much respect for law and order, the rule of law, any way German society would collapse without the Jews" those are the kind of arguments you would have met.
You say "have you heard from the Lord brother?"
I read my bible.
I see that Antichrist is imminent, even in the wings. He will oppose [says Paul] everything god so called or is worshipped as God. That is a systematic program for the total eradication of all religion ... and largely he is going to succeed before he can march into the temple and declare that he is himself God. Whatever pact he had going with Israel will be reneged on.
People say it is the Pope, no Catholics will among the first to go, Islam? no they also are too visible, they will be at the front of those to be cleansed. Antichrist is almost certainly a military dictator.
If any Christians are to endure to the end, they will be those who lean upon the Saviour's bosom who hear His secret counsels.
Get you underground ... that is what I would be shouting from the rooftops, do it now while you have the time or at least get yourself into a position of readiness whereby you may vanish from the public view. The storm is about to break and it will sweep away all before it.
Imagine yourself a prophet to the Jews in the Germany of say 1930, imagine if you were trying to warn them of the horror which was about to unfold and engulf them. Hardly a one of them would believe you, certainly they would not believe the scale of the tragedy about to engulf them.
"We've been through it all before" they might say, "it could not happen, Germany is a civilized country, there is too much respect for law and order, the rule of law, any way German society would collapse without the Jews" those are the kind of arguments you would have met.
You say "have you heard from the Lord brother?"
I read my bible.
I see that Antichrist is imminent, even in the wings. He will oppose [says Paul] everything god so called or is worshipped as God. That is a systematic program for the total eradication of all religion ... and largely he is going to succeed before he can march into the temple and declare that he is himself God. Whatever pact he had going with Israel will be reneged on.
People say it is the Pope, no Catholics will among the first to go, Islam? no they also are too visible, they will be at the front of those to be cleansed. Antichrist is almost certainly a military dictator.
If any Christians are to endure to the end, they will be those who lean upon the Saviour's bosom who hear His secret counsels.
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