When talking with my kids using the slang from when I was their ages and they stare at me like I'm from another planet or something
When a song comes on and my kids think it's a new band but I can say "I remember when these guys first came out"

When my son (who sees ALL the little details in things) hovers over my head (used to be when I was sitting, but he's almost taller than me now) noticing all the new uncolored hairs (some might call them grey or white,) and asks in his usual very serious tone of voice "Mom, when did you get to be old? I mean, because I thought only old people had white hair, but you've got a bunch of them hiding there."

Then I remembered a thread and photo once started/shared by
@seoulsearch (a single stray grey) and smiled. I said to him "Son, we don't call them 'grey hairs'... we call them "sparkles".