I am making my way back to a simpler faith and a more traditional approach. I found myself in some facebook classes designed to help me learn to prophesy. An uneasy feeling crept over me as each session unfolded. Finally I woke up one night and felt pretty certain the Lord wanted me to withdraw. When I did I stopped trying to discern voices whether mine or the spirit’s. I stopped trying to attain to the high of being slain in the spirit. I realized I had been greatly deceived. That’s when I began to research the new apostolic reformation and came to understand that I do not agree with it and wanted out.
I stopped making decrees for prosperity and increase. I stopped looking down on believers who weren’t enlightened by this new movement of miracles. I stopped giving lots of money to these prophets for their conferences, books, classes and constant needs for cash. I stopped feeling ashamed of the times when I didn’t feel “filled with the spirit”. I stopped seeking encounters with angels and experiences that took me into heaven itself. I stopped trying to give out words from the Lord to vulnerable people. I quit the nonsense!
I read testimonies of others who had suffered under false prophets and such ministries. I compared my experiences with theirs and understood how a group I was in lead by a “prophet” operated under that same deceptive spirit and how I had been sucked in, then spit out. It’s left me without real friends as nearly everyone I had been close to for a few years is still associated with NAR. I am lonely but no longer under that spirit of error. I press on...
That is a good testimony. The Holy Spirit gives us checks when something is not biblical.
In 1985 I was involved in a church called Word of Faith. To make a long story short, I felt that check in my Spirit and hearing scriptures being misinterpreted and knowing that the pastor was doing it for financial gain, I had to leave that movement.
I learned at that time that there are pastors who do not cringe when they hear a scripture being used to teach something that that verse was never intended to teach and I had to ask myself why that was? Why did I fear and tremble at His word and would never use a scripture to teach something other than what it means in context and yet this pastor could do it without shame? God showed me that there are choices that a preacher can make over time that will allow him to be given over to a lying spirit where he will believe he is getting spiritual revelation and preach it but it is false teaching. He knows that it is not what that scripture means but he preaches it anyway because it is popular and he is getting lots of attention and financial gain. He is an idolater. A false prophet, given over to darkness and loving to have it so. That church folded and the pastor was exposed nationally in the media later, but I was long gone by then.
The Lord will give us a check in our Spirit and use scripture to open our eyes, and then we still have to make a choice.
You made the right choice. Others will use excuses like "the pastor must be right, he must know more than me, I felt a little uncomfortable with what he was teaching but he is smarter than me, so I should ignore my suspicions and just submit" These are the beginnings of deception. God is faithful and he will give us those checks and if we choose the pastor over the word of God we are committing idolatry and if we do it long enough we will be given over to deception. If after many years the pastor is exposed and we finally realize we were believing in false teaching we do not have a right to get disillusioned with God or with church or with pastors,
we need to take responsibility that we did not respond correctly to the checks we had in our spirit when God tried to warn us.
I have heard many testimonies of people coming out of various false teachings and fallen churches,
and they almost always have a memory of how God tried to warn them but they suppressed it. This is important because many that come out of churches that have had a scandal and been found to be teaching hogwash will be down on themselves for being deceived and quickly turn it into anger toward pastors and toward God himself and use it as an excuse to go back to the bars or other destructive sins. When I counsel with them they seem to want to stay in a victim mentality over their experiences with church and false teachers and I have to bring them slowly to that place where they remember how God tried to warn them years before everything went south but they chose to side with the pastor instead of scripture. When they see that and remember the warnings they had and the checks in their spirit then it helps them to realize how much God did love them and was trying to show them, so after this they will often take responsibility of their deception. God did not deceive them God warned them. They wanted to be deceived for various reasons. They chose something over truth in their hearts and they need to repent rather than blame God or pastors.
We are always responsible for being deceived.
I know that sounds harsh and that is because it is so hard to admit because we want an excuse for our willingness to go along with a false teaching longer than we should have. We don't like to admit that we wanted it to be true even after we saw in scripture that it wasn't.