God is Holy. This means He is untouched by Sin.
He has perfect Righteousness., and all who are in Heaven, have the same, or they would not be there.
Now, you have sin. You've sinned all your life. So, the problem is.....HOW do you end up in HEAVEN with HOLY GOD< when you are not Holy?
See that problem?
That's why people went to Hell today. They died never having solved that SIN issue.. that keeps them separated from God, until it is solved.
Now, you can't solve it, as you have sinned, and this problem that you can't solve, ... you need to be SAVED from this issue, this problem of unforgiven SIN.
Enter GOD. ....... John 3:16
He came to give you the righteousness that you dont have.
He came to give it to you as a GIFT. "The Gift of Righteousness".
Here is what He did... He sent Holy Jesus to the Cross, to die for All YOUR SIN. And He did, 2000 yrs ago.
2000 Yrs ago, Jesus died for ALL YOUR SIN....
And he did something more.....He went to the Cross having lived a perfect, holy, and sinless LIFE.
See that LIFE?
That is the "Gift of Salvation"< .........= that is, the Righteousness that God provides to you.......as a GIFT.
God takes your sin, and Jesus dies for them ALL, and God then gives you this LIFE of Christ, that Jesus lived as if you lived it..
See that? That is SALVATION.
How do you get that GIFT applied to you?
You have to give God your Faith, in Jesus, ...understanding that He died for your sin, which makes Jesus your SAVIOR.
And when you give God your faith, knowing that you need Jesus as your Savior, so that you can be given the "Gift of Righteousness", then God will give it to you instantly.. and that means all your sin is now paid for by Jesus.
God will then give you the "new birth" of your Spirit.
Being Born again, is your Spirit.........not your body, or your mind.
You become Born...........again...........as you are already born once......and now you must be born AGAIN.......... Spiritually.
This is what God does for everyone who will come to Jesus and say........"i need you, im a sinner, save me Lord Jesus, i BELIEVE."
"all that call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".
Jesus said "all that believe in me, i give unto them Eternal LIFE.. and they shall NEVER Perish".
See that? that is placing you Faith in Christ......and God sees this faith inside you, and accepts it to then give you what Jesus has provided for you, on the Cross.
The Gift of Salvation.
The Gift of Righteousness.
God is Holy. This means He is untouched by Sin.
He has perfect Righteousness., and all who are in Heaven, have the same, or they would not be there.
Now, you have sin. You've sinned all your life. So, the problem is.....HOW do you end up in HEAVEN with HOLY GOD< when you are not Holy?
See that problem?
That's why people went to Hell today. They died never having solved that SIN issue.. that keeps them separated from God, until it is solved.
Now, you can't solve it, as you have sinned, and this problem that you can't solve, ... you need to be SAVED from this issue, this problem of unforgiven SIN.
Enter GOD. ....... John 3:16
He came to give you the righteousness that you dont have.
He came to give it to you as a GIFT. "The Gift of Righteousness".
Here is what He did... He sent Holy Jesus to the Cross, to die for All YOUR SIN. And He did, 2000 yrs ago.
2000 Yrs ago, Jesus died for ALL YOUR SIN....
And he did something more.....He went to the Cross having lived a perfect, holy, and sinless LIFE.
See that LIFE?
That is the "Gift of Salvation"< .........= that is, the Righteousness that God provides to you.......as a GIFT.
God takes your sin, and Jesus dies for them ALL, and God then gives you this LIFE of Christ, that Jesus lived as if you lived it..
See that? That is SALVATION.
How do you get that GIFT applied to you?
You have to give God your Faith, in Jesus, ...understanding that He died for your sin, which makes Jesus your SAVIOR.
And when you give God your faith, knowing that you need Jesus as your Savior, so that you can be given the "Gift of Righteousness", then God will give it to you instantly.. and that means all your sin is now paid for by Jesus.
God will then give you the "new birth" of your Spirit.
Being Born again, is your Spirit.........not your body, or your mind.
You become Born...........again...........as you are already born once......and now you must be born AGAIN.......... Spiritually.
This is what God does for everyone who will come to Jesus and say........"i need you, im a sinner, save me Lord Jesus, i BELIEVE."
"all that call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".
Jesus said "all that believe in me, i give unto them Eternal LIFE.. and they shall NEVER Perish".
See that? that is placing you Faith in Christ......and God sees this faith inside you, and accepts it to then give you what Jesus has provided for you, on the Cross.
The Gift of Salvation.
The Gift of Righteousness.
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