We know, whenever we SEE God, like how the People of the Old Testament saw the LORD [YHWH = MOST HIGH GOD], to Yahweh, to the Angel Jacob wrestled with and knew it was God, and then the New Testament with Jesus, is ALWAYS, the FATHER through the WORD, revealing Himself.
In Every literal Case, when we see a Physical Body Representation of the Father, it comes by way of humans actually looking at the WORD.
Even in the Destruction of Sodom, we see the LORD reigned down upon from the LORD in Heaven. The term LORD here, MOST HIGH GOD [YHWH] is the SAME PERSON for the LORD on Earth and the LORD in Heaven. We know, this is the WORD and the FATHER. But, we also know, the LORD here, is saying the SAME PERSON LORD is in 2 Places doing ONE ACTION.
It's almost, since we absolutely KNOW that GOD is SPIRIT, when He makes contact with us, He does it in the Flesh as the WORD.
I can see how people just think this is ONE God as SPIRIT manifest Himself into Flesh. Because, the BIBLE literally shows us this example over and over and over.
I think it's best us modern day trinitarians, which, does not reflect even closely to how either the 325 AD nor the 385 AD explains the Trinity, need to rethink our own position here. the Modern Version is actually an act and form of Heresy when compared to the literal Creeds.
I am not saying anything against our Triune God, but, I am saying, I don't think Today's Modern explanation is Biblical at all.
Just a bunch of Pharisees screaming 3 PEOPLE!
Bible, doesn't even say that anywhere. And when it does explain how the FATHER deals with His Creation, it's always through the WORD. Which can easily be presented as a question: the Father is Spirit, the WORD is Spirit and Flesh. The Father DWELLS in the WORD doing the WORKS. I am merely pointing out, this seems a lot closer than it being between a Father and Son.