Let's see...
1) I have no idea if
you are indwelled with the Holy Spirit or not.
Should I rant-and-rail about it for the next two or three pages?
Should I warn folks that you might be a wolf in sheep's clothing?
What would it accomplish except to make you angry or frustrated?
2) You need to learn how to "read" the
intention in someone's statement and accept it at face value for the sake of the conversation.
The way I see it, the only [actual] "claim" that
@ThereRoseaLamb has made is that
she believes -
probably based on her understanding of the story and the related history - that the preacher was born-again and preaching the gospel to folks as the ship sank.
None of us - including you - can say that we know with any absolute certainty what the preacher's "salvation status" was; however, what each of us
can do is "judge for ourselves" whatever we think based on the available information. And, I will recommend that we not judge each other on what we think about it -
it is not unreasonable to allow others their own opinion. I suggest that it is unwise to argue with someone over something that neither of you can possibly get any closer to the absolute truth of the matter
in this life...
3) You are trying to make a point which - in the right context - would be okay; however, you are doing it for the wrong reason - no one here (other than you) is conducting themselves in a kind of conversation that would offer the proper context that would make it more legitimate.
It is usually better to be polite first and then offer some scriptural insight if it is warranted.
Have a conversation and not an argument.